Daniel Lemire's blog

, 25 min read

Index for Year 2005

  1. 2005-01-02: Current state of affairs in the XML world (according to me)   🗪
  2. 2005-01-03: State of blogging   🗪
  3. 2005-01-04: Meritocracy in America   🗪
  4. 2005-01-05: Joel on Software – Advice for Computer Science College Students   🗪
  5. 2005-01-07: Mozilla Web Developer´s documentation   🗪
  6. 2005-01-09: Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering (SDM´05 / April 20-23th 2005)   🗪
  7. 2005-01-09: The Medici Effect   🗪
  8. 2005-01-10: Tim Berners-Lee first executive summary of the World Wide Web   🗪
  9. 2005-01-11: Why encyclopaedic row speaks volumes about the old guard   🗪
  10. 2005-01-13: Creative Commons Remix Contest   🗪
  11. 2005-01-13: My experience so far with Google ads   🗪
  12. 2005-01-13: Paquets… ou Seb en français   🗪
  13. 2005-01-14: Does JavaScript scale?   🗪
  14. 2005-01-17: Online courses force a deeper understanding   🗪
  15. 2005-01-18: Michael Nielsen: Optimizing travel   🗪
  16. 2005-01-18: NSERC – Policy on Intellectual Property   🗪
  17. 2005-01-19: Piled Higher and Deeper   🗪
  18. 2005-01-19: Semantic Web Ontologies: What Works and What Doesn´t   🗪
  19. 2005-01-20: Introduction to Python as a Functional, Object-Oriented Programming Oriented Language   🗪
  20. 2005-01-20: Introduction to Python as a Functional, Object-Oriented Programming Oriented Language   🗪
  21. 2005-01-22: In the electronic world, less structure is better   🗪
  22. 2005-01-22: Working upwind   🗪
  23. 2005-01-24: Implementing a Rating-Based Item-to-Item Recommender System in PHP/SQL   🗪
  24. 2005-01-24: Useful JavaScript documentation   🗪
  25. 2005-01-26: gnuplot tips (not so Frequently Asked Questions)   🗪
  26. 2005-01-26: JAWS Screenreader Adaptation for Mozilla Firefox   🗪
  27. 2005-01-27: Hard problems and hot coffee   🗪
  28. 2005-01-27: The Google Browser?   🗪
  29. 2005-01-28: From Word to (clean) XHTML   🗪
  30. 2005-01-28: Making RedHat Enterprise usable   🗪
  31. 2005-02-02: Gutenberg books as marked up XML   🗪
  32. 2005-02-03: Code in plain text for “Implementing a Rating-Based Item-to-Item Recommender System in PHP/SQL”   🗪
  33. 2005-02-03: Why I have the best and most beautiful wife in the world!   🗪
  34. 2005-02-04: How to change or modify your Linux kernel under gentoo   🗪
  35. 2005-02-04: KDD 2005 (February 18, 2005 / August 21-24, 2005)   🗪
  36. 2005-02-04: XPath support in Java 1.5   🗪
  37. 2005-02-07: Die trackback, die!   🗪
  38. 2005-02-08: Market Diversification by jarche.com   🗪
  39. 2005-02-08: The Geomblog: "To chop a tea kettle"   🗪
  40. 2005-02-09: From British Columbia comes Open Source Academic Publishing Software   🗪
  41. 2005-02-10: Real Benefits of Blogs   🗪
  42. 2005-02-13: Job Market for CS Students   🗪
  43. 2005-02-17: Damn cold!   🗪
  44. 2005-02-17: Using Vim under Cygwin   🗪
  45. 2005-02-19: Loneliness in academia   🗪
  46. 2005-02-21: Back to 1979: Alien   🗪
  47. 2005-02-23: SPIP: a powerful courseware platform?   🗪
  48. 2005-02-25: Generous post-doctoral scholarship   🗪
  49. 2005-02-25: Multi User Weblogging   🗪
  50. 2005-02-28: Robert Paterson´s Weblog: Going Home – Our Reformation   🗪
  51. 2005-03-02: Alternative careers for Ph.D. holders   🗪
  52. 2005-03-02: On Grace Murray Hopper   🗪
  53. 2005-03-02: Primed for Numbers   🗪
  54. 2005-03-03: Real knowledge management   🗪
  55. 2005-03-04: Using vegetables as learning objects   🗪
  56. 2005-03-06: Wanted: Really Smart Suckers   🗪
  57. 2005-03-07: Academia: am I too much of a pessimist?   🗪
  58. 2005-03-07: Best Degree to Pair w/ a B.Sc. in Computer Science?   🗪
  59. 2005-03-07: The professoriate is likened to a slime mold   🗪
  60. 2005-03-08: Becoming a gmail expert   🗪
  61. 2005-03-08: Don´t Become a Scientist!   🗪
  62. 2005-03-09: A survey of Eigenvector Methods for Web Information Retrieval   🗪
  63. 2005-03-10: How to Read Mathematics   🗪
  64. 2005-03-10: How to Start a Startup   🗪
  65. 2005-03-11: Simple Recipe for Debugging Web Services   🗪
  66. 2005-03-12: The Social Software Revolution is happening!   🗪
  67. 2005-03-13: Personalization: the TiVo case   🗪
  68. 2005-03-16: French is the third language in the USA   🗪
  69. 2005-03-17: Google Goopy   🗪
  70. 2005-03-18: Now that´s learning!   🗪
  71. 2005-03-18: Picture quiz of the day!   🗪
  72. 2005-03-18: They don´t even have a telephone (c. 1876) in every classroom yet   🗪
  73. 2005-03-22: A blog strike closer to home   🗪
  74. 2005-03-23: What will be the next Web? A prediction   🗪
  75. 2005-03-25: Delicious Linkbacks   🗪
  76. 2005-03-25: Jython Webapp Tutorial   🗪
  77. 2005-03-27: Technological singularity   🗪
  78. 2005-03-29: Are you an IT-empower worker or an old school worker?   🗪
  79. 2005-03-30: Research is a form of art   🗪
  80. 2005-03-31: Top obesity researcher was a fraud   🗪
  81. 2005-04-01: The fate of reduce() in Python 3000   🗪
  82. 2005-04-04: American site leaks Jean Brault testimony   🗪
  83. 2005-04-04: Inexpensive ubiquitous mass storage is closer than you think!   🗪
  84. 2005-04-04: Lupy: Python Lucene   🗪
  85. 2005-04-05: Attention.XML   🗪
  86. 2005-04-06: What constitutes research blogging?   🗪
  87. 2005-04-08: The rise of social conciousness in cyberspace   🗪
  88. 2005-04-09: ACM Queue – A Conversation with Tim Bray   🗪
  89. 2005-04-09: Marshall´s Web Tool Blog: Blog Possibilities   🗪
  90. 2005-04-09: The Geomblog: On knowledge for knowledge´s sake   🗪
  91. 2005-04-13: A sample paper review   🗪
  92. 2005-04-18: Expert Opinion: The life of an academic   🗪
  93. 2005-04-18: Managing stress: I want to live past 50   🗪
  94. 2005-05-04: Word of wisdom from Yuhong   🗪
  95. 2005-05-05: Getting my research back in focus   🗪
  96. 2005-05-10: Employers´ preferences for academic letter recommendations   🗪
  97. 2005-05-11: Your Brain and Learning – Five Tips   🗪
  98. 2005-05-19: From XML to Atom (1997 and 2005)   🗪
  99. 2005-05-23: Using XPath in Java without loading the external DTD   🗪
  100. 2005-05-24: Do we really want more students interested in CS?   🗪
  101. 2005-05-25: The Geomblog: Do we really need more students in CS ?   🗪
  102. 2005-05-30: Trump University   🗪
  103. 2005-06-03: eLearning is all about searching and connecting   🗪
  104. 2005-06-04: Gentoo bug: incorrect dynamic linker run time paths after gcc upgrade (libstdc.so.5 not found)   🗪
  105. 2005-06-07: LaTeX Tips & Tricks   🗪
  106. 2005-06-09: Joe´s OpenSolution Page   🗪
  107. 2005-06-10: Expert Opinion: College expectations   🗪
  108. 2005-06-10: fixacm.sty   🗪
  109. 2005-06-16: Being open or not, that is the question   🗪
  110. 2005-06-16: High demand for storage   🗪
  111. 2005-06-20: MYTH: NDAs are a Good Idea   🗪
  112. 2005-06-20: Programming and college CS education   🗪
  113. 2005-06-21: What value do employers give to qualifications?   🗪
  114. 2005-06-26: Map of a lake where I lived   🗪
  115. 2005-06-27: Balancing hate   🗪
  116. 2005-06-27: Ernie´s 3D Pancakes: some honest answers   🗪
  117. 2005-06-27: Why I wouldn´t move to the USA   🗪
  118. 2005-06-28: Jay and Return On Investment from Research Funding   🗪
  119. 2005-07-06: Presentation Skills   🗪
  120. 2005-07-10: Blogs and jobs   🗪
  121. 2005-07-14: Expert Opinion: U.S. losing lead in science and engineering?   🗪
  122. 2005-07-19: Rumors of Jython´s death were exagerated!   🗪
  123. 2005-07-20: Why don´t women study Computer Science?   🗪
  124. 2005-07-21: Privacy versus Accountability in Academia   🗪
  125. 2005-07-24: Expert Opinion: An open letter to Bill Gates   🗪
  126. 2005-07-24: “Tall, Dark, and Mysterious” goes for career advice   🗪
  127. 2005-07-25: Who are the technology natives?   🗪
  128. 2005-07-26: Internet killing researchers?   🗪
  129. 2005-07-26: IT Curriculum Committee Seeks Input on Guidelines   🗪
  130. 2005-07-27: IBM killed its DB/2 Olap Server   🗪
  131. 2005-07-27: Journals with RSS feeds   🗪
  132. 2005-07-27: You and Your Research   🗪
  133. 2005-07-29: More on IBM versus Essbase   🗪
  134. 2005-07-29: Want to know your Google PageRank?   🗪
  135. 2005-07-31: Coffee May Raise Heart Disease Risk   🗪
  136. 2005-08-02: A “Measure of Transaction Processing” 20 Years Later   🗪
  137. 2005-08-02: One day sober!   🗪
  138. 2005-08-02: Sudoku solver/designer by David Eppstein   🗪
  139. 2005-08-03: BI is Ready for Open Source – Is Open Source Ready for BI?   🗪
  140. 2005-08-03: Computer Science Eulogy   🗪
  141. 2005-08-04: Met with Michael Stiber today!   🗪
  142. 2005-08-05: Next Textbook “Introduction to Data Mining”   🗪
  143. 2005-08-05: Paul Graham – What Business Can Learn from Open Source   🗪
  144. 2005-08-05: Tim Bray against Web 2.0 “slogan”   🗪
  145. 2005-08-06: A future in IT? Think about IT security!   🗪
  146. 2005-08-06: Information Retrieval as Quantum Mechanics   🗪
  147. 2005-08-06: UQAM to launch an ePrint server   🗪
  148. 2005-08-08: Generalized Multi-dimensional Data Mapping and Query Processing   🗪
  149. 2005-08-09: The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software   🗪
  150. 2005-08-09: The Heraclitus Project   🗪
  151. 2005-08-10: Benzes: J´ai de la misère, ô calvaire…   🗪
  152. 2005-08-10: ongoing – Web 2.0 or Not?   🗪
  153. 2005-08-12: Searching for Intelligence in Edinburgh   🗪
  154. 2005-08-13: Want a free mirror of your site?   🗪
  155. 2005-08-15: To fully use your brain, you have to act   🗪
  156. 2005-08-16: Number of pages indexed by Google over time   🗪
  157. 2005-08-17: Voluntary academic simplicity   🗪
  158. 2005-08-17: How many emails are we sending?   🗪
  159. 2005-08-18: Don´t touch XML Schema   🗪
  160. 2005-08-18: What´s the PageRank of your university and what´s yours and are they related?   🗪
  161. 2005-08-18: Working too much is bad for your health   🗪
  162. 2005-08-20: Hitflip DVD recommender is using Slope One collaborative filtering algorithm   🗪
  163. 2005-08-23: Now you can prepare your math slides using MathML!!!   🗪
  164. 2005-08-24: PODS 2006 (December 1st, 2005 / June 26-28, 2006)   🗪
  165. 2005-08-24: SIGMOD 2006 (November 17, 2005 / June 27-29, 2006)   🗪
  166. 2005-08-26: Journals are already dead! Long live eprint servers!   🗪
  167. 2005-08-26: Should you encourage your M.Sc. students to go for a Ph.D.?   🗪
  168. 2005-08-29: Am I too critical of the Ph.D. track?   🗪
  169. 2005-08-29: Antioxidant Values in Fruits And Vegetables   🗪
  170. 2005-08-29: Getting pdflatex to embed all fonts   🗪
  171. 2005-08-29: Here´s why we are soon going to be flooded by data   🗪
  172. 2005-08-29: Pentaho – Open Source Business Intelligence   🗪
  173. 2005-08-30: Most scientific papers are probably wrong   🗪
  174. 2005-08-30: Slava Pestov : Client-side Java is dead   🗪
  175. 2005-09-01: Comparing Linux distros: gentoo vs. Mandrake   🗪
  176. 2005-09-02: 8 reasons why I like Gmail   🗪
  177. 2005-09-02: Gas up or plug in?   🗪
  178. 2005-09-02: Massachusetts plans to abandon Microsoft Office   🗪
  179. 2005-09-02: Winfixer got to me, but I had the last word   🗪
  180. 2005-09-03: Balmer Vows to Kill Google   🗪
  181. 2005-09-06: Now, that´s fun stuff!   🗪
  182. 2005-09-06: Why I think a lot of Machine Learning research is misguided   🗪
  183. 2005-09-07: SSHRC – National Consultation on Research Data Archiving, Management and Access Systems   🗪
  184. 2005-09-08: Make your publications available as a RSS feed   🗪
  185. 2005-09-14: Google Blog Search   🗪
  186. 2005-09-14: We are only visiting the shore of mathematics   🗪
  187. 2005-09-16: Career Swings   🗪
  188. 2005-09-19: More measure of impact factors for CS conferences   🗪
  189. 2005-09-19: Repositories of electronic journals   🗪
  190. 2005-09-19: That´s why I tinker   🗪
  191. 2005-09-23: Battlestar Galactica: when AI goes wrong   🗪
  192. 2005-09-25: NSF Reports No Geek Shortage   🗪
  193. 2005-09-28: Einstein vs. Physical Review   🗪
  194. 2005-09-28: KDD 2006 (March 5, 2006 / August 23-26 2006)   🗪
  195. 2005-09-28: Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions   🗪
  196. 2005-09-28: Strange KDE bug: can´t resize or move windows   🗪
  197. 2005-09-29: 2005 QlikView Think Outside The Cube Contest   🗪
  198. 2005-09-30: If you can´t record using a microphone on the CMI8738 card under Linux…   🗪
  199. 2005-09-30: IrfanView – one of the most popular image viewers worldwide   🗪
  200. 2005-10-04: Battle for Wesnoth 1.0 released   🗪
  201. 2005-10-05: Editing forms in Firefox   🗪
  202. 2005-10-07: Amazon´s Developer Contest   🗪
  203. 2005-10-07: Google launches an online RSS aggregator   🗪
  204. 2005-10-10: Academic Authorship   🗪
  205. 2005-10-10: Doing the Martin Shuffle   🗪
  206. 2005-10-10: Firefox 1.0.7: better memory management?   🗪
  207. 2005-10-12: Logitech USB Desktop Microphone under Linux   🗪
  208. 2005-10-16: Analyzing Large Collections of Electronic Text Using OLAP at APICS 2005   🗪
  209. 2005-10-18: Oracle and MySQL — is MySQL in a weak position?   🗪
  210. 2005-10-18: Research versus Teaching versus Development versus Blogging versus Consulting   🗪
  211. 2005-10-20: Oracle Java Applications on Linux   🗪
  212. 2005-10-20: Spam bots got to me: no more comments   🗪
  213. 2005-10-20: Spoofing your user agent – When Firefox tells the world it is Internet Explorer   🗪
  214. 2005-10-22: Daniel W. Drezner: a blogger was denied tenure   🗪
  215. 2005-10-22: OpenOffice.org 2.0: It is all about politics!   🗪
  216. 2005-10-24: MySQL 5.0 Now Available for Production Use   🗪
  217. 2005-10-28: The average of averages is not the average   🗪
  218. 2005-10-28: Comments are back! But you need to pass a reverse Turing test!   🗪
  219. 2005-10-29: MIT fires associate professor for making up data   🗪
  220. 2005-11-01: Is Computer Science a Science? A challenge for you!   🗪
  221. 2005-11-01: Overproduction: a modern-day curse   🗪
  222. 2005-11-02: Gmail: How do I customize the `From:´ address on outgoing mail?   🗪
  223. 2005-11-04: My favorite Firefox extensions   🗪
  224. 2005-11-04: American middle class cut off from college?   🗪
  225. 2005-11-05: New XML technologies: much to be happy about!   🗪
  226. 2005-11-10: Computer Science is the new Physics   🗪
  227. 2005-11-12: First picture of my second son Louka   🗪
  228. 2005-11-12: My second son has arrived!   🗪
  229. 2005-11-15: Boyer-Moore Fast String Searching Example   🗪
  230. 2005-11-15: No loops in Python one-liners?   🗪
  231. 2005-11-15: Wikipedia category for Algorithms on strings   🗪
  232. 2005-11-16: Grep is just not for matching lines anymore   🗪
  233. 2005-11-17: Can you infer tags from text?   🗪
  234. 2005-11-17: Mondrian 2.0 is out!   🗪
  235. 2005-11-17: Mondrian to partner up with Pentaho for Open Source Business Intelligence   🗪
  236. 2005-11-17: Numerical Python versus SciPy core   🗪
  237. 2005-11-17: StumbleUpon: collaborative filtering meets Firefox   🗪
  238. 2005-11-18: Me with my new son Louka!   🗪
  239. 2005-11-19: Cross-platform videoconferencing/slides sharing: still a long way to go?   🗪
  240. 2005-11-20: Idea for a cool AJAX-based project: a web-based slide projector   🗪
  241. 2005-11-23: IBM, Oracle and Microsoft freeing their databases   🗪
  242. 2005-11-24: Java OLAP Interface (JOLAP) is dead?   🗪
  243. 2005-11-24: Tabs are evil   🗪
  244. 2005-11-25: I´m leaving for Houston (ICDM´05)   🗪
  245. 2005-12-07: Google mail allow you to view attachments as HTML   🗪
  246. 2005-12-07: Linux 64 bits: lessons learned   🗪
  247. 2005-12-08: Backslash URLs in Firefox   🗪
  248. 2005-12-08: Recording audio under Linux using a shell script   🗪
  249. 2005-12-10: Using a USB Palm Pilot with udev   🗪
  250. 2005-12-15: In Memoriam, Alberto Mendelzon   🗪
  251. 2005-12-16: What are the good conferences?   🗪
  252. 2005-12-16: Women desert IT in droves   🗪
  253. 2005-12-19: Getting an old 3COM HomeConnect webcam to work under Linux   🗪
  254. 2005-12-19: IBM UDDI Shut down   🗪
  255. 2005-12-19: Semantic Web Services Challenge 2006   🗪
  256. 2005-12-20: Making a Creative Labs Instant Webcam work under Linux   🗪
  257. 2005-12-21: Metaclass programming in Python   🗪
  258. 2005-12-21: Multisite lecturing on a budget using webhuddle   🗪
  259. 2005-12-21: Wget doesn´t eat XML   🗪
  260. 2005-12-22: AJAX RSS Display   🗪
  261. 2005-12-23: BASIC for Javascript   🗪
  262. 2005-12-24: A solid Firefox extension for turning any textarea into a rich editor   🗪
  263. 2005-12-25: Merry Christmas to all my readers!   🗪
  264. 2005-12-26: Standard Deviations : XSLT, RDF, XQuery, XLinq   🗪
  265. 2005-12-28: Java Data Mining 2.0 – Early Draft Review   🗪
  266. 2005-12-31: My predictions for IT in year 2006   🗪
  267. 2005-12-31: Time to move from Numerical Python to SciPy Core   🗪