Daniel Lemire's blog

, 11 min read

AJAX RSS Display

18 thoughts on “AJAX RSS Display”

  1. AJAX RSS Feed Reader says:

    Here is a PHP based AJAX RSS Feed Reader which display RSS Feeds in draggable auto-arranging AJAX Feed Windows which self-update using AJAX as RSS Feed is updated.

  2. Madhu says:

    how does one use wget so that fresh rss files are loaded to my site /server. I was thinking of using Pbwiki to keep rss files and use similar script as yours !!

  3. a cron file (crontab -e) ought to do it.

  4. cron and wget and unix-tools. You can get them to work under Windows
    with cygwin.


    There are, quite possibly, simpler ways to do it in a Windows-like
    manner, but I don’t use Windows.

  5. Cameron says:

    Finally got it working, but had some trouble with the HTML code. My browser didn’t like the ” double-quotes, and the missing gave some strange formatting results.

  6. Cameron says:

    Okay, should have said: … didn’t like the ” double-quotes and the missing </h1> gave some …

  7. Theodor says:

    Please ensure, that your script takes care about the namespaces. If you don’t do it, feeds like them from citeUlike.org won’t be accessible.

    If you would like to have a look at my additions, hit me via mail!


  8. axis says:

    Thanks very much !!

  9. Fixed now, see inside the post.

  10. mplungjan says:

    Sorry, Your paste of Theodor’s code is not complete… Seems to be a chunk missing around here:
    for(var i=0; i0)?title[i].firstChild.nodeValue:”Untitled“;

  11. Not sure where these xsrc and mce_src attributes are.

  12. PaulE says:

    Fails for me because of the “xsrc” and “mce_src” attributes on the script tag. Using “src” does work.

    What are these attributes (“xsrc” and “mce_src”)?
    I can’t find any documentation on them and using them causes pages to fail validation.

  13. Ardiansyah says:

    Sorry my mozilla browser only display “JavaScript RSS Reader”. I have write in my html page http://rahard.wordpress.com/feed . What should i do?

  14. adam smith says:

    Please ensure, that your script takes care about the namespaces. If you don’t do it, feeds like them from citeUlike.org won’t be accessible.info

  15. You can’t load citeulike.org feeds using this script. Only local RSS feeds can be loaded due to the ECMAScript security model.

  16. alex william says:

    Dear Daniel,

    I just came across your RSS feed tutorial. Now, for days I’ve been driving myself crazy on how to complete the RSS News feed code. I’m a Graphic and Web Designer, but my Ajax skills aren’t strong. So I need help on this particular feature. Is this code you have accurate? I used it and got no results. If you can, do u think u can e-mail a code that u would use to get live RSS News feeds? If u could I would really appreciate that!


  17. alex william says:

    I just came across your RSS feed tutorial. Now, for days I’ve been driving myself crazy on how to complete the RSS News feed code. but my Ajax skills aren’t strong. So I need help on this particular feature. Is this code you have accurate? I used it and got no results. If you can, do u think u can e-mail a code that u would use to get live RSS News feeds?

  18. alex william says:

    hELLO, I need help on this particular feature. Is this code you have accurate? I used it and got no results. If you can, do u think u can e-mail a code that u would use to get live RSS News feeds? If u could I would really appreciate that!