Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Am I too critical of the Ph.D. track?

I believe that what I’m trying to achieve with some of my more critical posts about the Ph.D. track is to provide “a candid acknowledgement of the sacrifices and conflicts that came with the field.” An older article in Salon has interesting quotes on this theme…

Academia is a world that is not set up to nurture a marriage or a personal life in general.


Male professors are expected to be married to their scholarship but not to their wives in the same full-on, participatory way. Women academics are asked to be polygamous and then are punished as a result.

Update: Buddhamouse think I’m too critical. Her comment can be summarized as follow: getting a Ph.D. can be fun work, and then, you can go search for work outside academia. (Oh! And “just say no to postdocs”.)