Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Blogs and jobs

Ryan sent me a link to a Chronicle article. Here’s the gist of it:

If you stick your foot in your mouth during an interview, no one will interrupt to prevent you from doing further damage. So why risk doing it many times over by blabbing away in a blog?

We’ve seen the hapless job seekers who destroy the good thing they’ve got going on paper by being so irritating in person that we can’t wait to put them back on a plane. Our blogger applicants came off reasonably well at the initial interview, but once we hung up the phone and called up their blogs, we got to know “the real them” — better than we wanted, enough to conclude we didn’t want to know more.

This is interesting: the claim is that bloggers are less employable in universities. This makes sense: universities are highly political and you’ve got to always walk a fine line if you want to be safe.

Myself? I live dangerously.

Update: Fred correctly underlines one important part of the article:

“And in truth, we did not disqualify any applicants based purely on their blogs. If the blog was a negative factor, it was one of many that killed a candidate’s chances.”

And I also agree with Fred on this:

Personally I like men of opinions, ideas and creativity.