Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Making a Creative Labs Instant Webcam work under Linux

4 thoughts on “Making a Creative Labs Instant Webcam work under Linux”

  1. keith says:

    I am currently using SuSE 9.3 Professional. As far as I know “emerge” command is not available under other distro, except for Gentoo.

    Do you know any similar commands to install the driver for spca5xxx driver?

    For your information, I have performed lsusb and located my Creative Webcam Instant, almost similar to the line that you had there.

  2. slubek says:

    Instead of emerge try ‘apt-get’ (for Debian) or ‘yum’ (for Fedora Core)

  3. nitz says:

    From my reading online the spca5xx driver is for older kernerls. to find out the kernel you are useing run this command
    `uname -r`

    then if you have Kernel 2.6.11 or newer replace spca5xx with gspcav1 and things shuld work great.

    # gspcav1 – Kernel 2.6.11 or newer
    # spca5xx – Kernel 2.6.11 or older
    I got this infomation from : http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_a_webcam

  4. Wim says:

    Thank you for this useful post! I got a Creative Labs Webcam Instant from a friend and am still trying to figure out how to exactly use it on my Debian.

    I first found this post at LibLand but didn’t get it running. Now, by your list of commands helping me to remember the command lsusb , I can at least see that my distro recognizes the webcam. But unfortunately, I have no program to test it.

    I hope to get this thing running very soon, thank you 🙂