Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

BI is Ready for Open Source – Is Open Source Ready for BI?

A recent article in DW Review asks whether Open Source is ready for Business Intelligence. There are already some interesting Business Intelligence Open Source tools such as Octopus Enhydra, Eclipse Birt and Mondrian, All of them in Java by the way!!! Add to this MySQL 5.0 with features matching IBM DB2 or PostgreSQL with its legendary reliability and you have everything you need for Open Source Business Intelligence, or do you? Well, support still sucks.

So, maybe someone out there should start a support company for Open Source Business Intelligence? This is compelling:

As companies invest to stay compliant with the host of new government regulations, improve operational efficiency and retain customers, business intelligence (BI) has continued its march up the corporate food chain. BI is a top IT priority. At $16.8 billion in 2001 and growing to $29 billion in 2006, the BI and data warehousing market is exploding.