Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Standard Deviations : XSLT, RDF, XQuery, XLinq

2 thoughts on “Standard Deviations : XSLT, RDF, XQuery, XLinq”

  1. Anonymous: XML Schema is not RelaxNG.

    XPointer could indeed be tremendously useful *if* browsers and various other tools supported it.

    XQuery may be attractive, but the number of people who won’t learn XSLT because it is to foreign to them, but will learn XQuery because they need to process XML is small. XSLT is simply a more general, more potent solution and it is supported everywhere (at least XSLT 1.0).

    RDF is abstract, complex and dry, I agree.

  2. Anonymous says:

    XML Schema = RelaxNG ???

    How about Xpointer?? Works well with Xpath….

    XQuery, yes but it sure does llok attractive to manipulate documents against each other like that, no?

    RDF, abstract, complex and dry. Again, really attractive.