Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Cross-platform videoconferencing/slides sharing: still a long way to go?

One thought on “Cross-platform videoconferencing/slides sharing: still a long way to go?”

  1. Mancomm tested out a number of video conferencing systems this year and really preferred to find something open source but couldn’t. I personally am not involved in selling Marratech, but Mancomm (with whom I am associated) is a reseller.

    Marratech is comparable to other systems (webex, horizon, elluminate, centra, etc) and it depends on what features you want, so I wouldn’t specifically recommend any system over the others. What we liked about Marratech was that 1) it had the features we wanted, 2) it had the most reasonable & transparent pricing model and 3) the company was willing to work with us. Also, one of the founders, Serge LaChapelle, is a Canadian.

    I don’t think that there will be an OS system ready for at least another year. You could cobble something together with Skype and a few other systems but it would not be the elegant solution that a mathematician would approve of 😉