Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

ongoing – Web 2.0 or Not?

5 thoughts on “ongoing – Web 2.0 or Not?”

  1. Mike: It is a nice looking site. Not sure it is relevant to the Web 2.0 discussion though. You are borderline on spamming here, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Mike says:

    I stumbled upon your post about web 2.0 and AJAX.

    Another site that is using AJAX extensively is http://www.BlinkList.com. For full disclosure, this is our site. I just wrote a blog post with all the major AJAX features that we are using on BlinkList in case you are interested.


    BlinkList is also a great place to learn about Ajax


    If you do get a chance to play with it, let us know your thoughts! We are always eager to improve our site and improve our use of AJAX as one of the core frameworks.


  3. Robin says:

    One thing you didn’t mention which is making progress everyday is microformats. It’s not about shiny and new, but about current use cases, and encapsulating that in tiny formats. Built on xhtml, good for calendars, addresses, reviews, etc.

  4. True Robin. True.

  5. dvir says:

    do you have any examples of useful mix between web 2.0 aplication and olap?