Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Why I wouldn´t move to the USA

I can see it from here… I’m a nice, gentle Canadian citizen. I go work in the States for a few years and while I’m there, I’m tagged as a terrorist. Maybe because I said something nasty about someone on my blog. I end up in jail and I am labelled as an enemy combatant. Of course, there is no shrewd of evidence against me, but who needs to prove anything?

Ernie’s 3D Pancake reminds me of what could happen then:

Washington’s report to the Committee reaffirms the US position that the Guantanamo detainees are classed as “enemy combatants,” and therefore do not benefit from the POW status set out in the Geneva Conventions, the Committee member said.

That’s right. The US military can torture POWs. I’m sure the next time an American soldier is captured, the enemy will remember about this. Of course, American citizens don’t care about a few foreigners. Hey! They still have the death penalty!!!

Isn’t the USA a christian state… didn’t Jesus say something about offering the second cheek?

If you are an American citizen, explain to me how you can allow your government to openly torture people. Not that I’m expecting the USA to take the high road on anything these days, but openly torture POWs is a bit much for my taste.