Daniel Lemire's blog

, 20 min read

Index for Year 2007

  1. 2007-01-02: Half an Hour: Things You Really Need to Learn   🗪
  2. 2007-01-03: Outsourcing Email: Universities Switching to Google Apps for Education   🗪
  3. 2007-01-05: Peter Turney launches his blog   🗪
  4. 2007-01-07: Human Brain Evolution Slows To A Crawl   🗪
  5. 2007-01-08: Priority R-Tree   🗪
  6. 2007-01-14: Too Much Semantics is Harmful in Information Technology   🗪
  7. 2007-01-15: No Great Researcher is Special   🗪
  8. 2007-01-15: Turing award recipient tears apart artificial intelligence   🗪
  9. 2007-01-18: Color terminal under Mac OS X   🗪
  10. 2007-01-18: Innovative Collaborative Filtering Venture going down: Findory   🗪
  11. 2007-01-19: Best telemarketing joke ever   🗪
  12. 2007-01-20: Harold Jarche » Where would we be without school drop outs?   🗪
  13. 2007-01-23: Help: Looking for High Quality Webcam for Video Blogging   🗪
  14. 2007-01-25: IBM´s Many Eyes   🗪
  15. 2007-01-25: inDiscover – a better music recommender system   🗪
  16. 2007-01-26: Debug CSS with the Firefox DOM Inspector   🗪
  17. 2007-01-27: Duck Typing, Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy   🗪
  18. 2007-01-30: Jim Gray missing at sea   🗪
  19. 2007-01-30: The Power of Web 2.0 Strikes Again   🗪
  20. 2007-01-31: Lawrence Lessig – On Free, and the Differences between Culture and Code   🗪
  21. 2007-02-01: Podcasting using ccPublisher   🗪
  22. 2007-02-02: The Big Bang is Intelligent   🗪
  23. 2007-02-02: The death of computing   🗪
  24. 2007-02-04: The paperless office finally coming?   🗪
  25. 2007-02-04: Why building software is hard   🗪
  26. 2007-02-05: Advice for a student going into Computer Science   🗪
  27. 2007-02-05: Tagging as a new information retrieval paradigm   🗪
  28. 2007-02-06: Got XFig to work under MacOS with fink   🗪
  29. 2007-02-06: VirtueDesktops   🗪
  30. 2007-02-07: Duck Typing, MustIgnore and the Web   🗪
  31. 2007-02-07: Saner rules for udev   🗪
  32. 2007-02-08: Academic Career Advice from Curt Bonk   🗪
  33. 2007-02-09: Taporware: have fun with words   🗪
  34. 2007-02-10: Flying kills the planet   🗪
  35. 2007-02-11: HTML/CSS Trick of the day   🗪
  36. 2007-02-12: Gutenberg-era Tech Support   🗪
  37. 2007-02-12: Web Semantics is Localized   🗪
  38. 2007-02-13: The Web is not virtual   🗪
  39. 2007-02-14: Would you pass my XML course?   🗪
  40. 2007-02-16: Crash course in sane Web programming   🗪
  41. 2007-02-16: How artificial intelligences are already at war with us   🗪
  42. 2007-02-19: JavaScript is interesting   🗪
  43. 2007-02-20: Taking charge of your IT   🗪
  44. 2007-02-21: TexMaker: a cross-platform LaTeX editor   🗪
  45. 2007-02-23: Why is Computer Science Education Obselete?   🗪
  46. 2007-02-24: Computer Science Departments will not survive   🗪
  47. 2007-02-24: Writing and Maintaining Software are not Engineering Activities   🗪
  48. 2007-03-02: Oracle buys Hyperion   🗪
  49. 2007-03-06: One More Step Toward Infinite Storage   🗪
  50. 2007-03-13: Streaming Maximum-Minimum Filter Using No More than Three Comparisons per Element   🗪
  51. 2007-03-19: The big scientific questions in computing have been answered   🗪
  52. 2007-03-20: Google Summer of Code and Collaborative Filtering   🗪
  53. 2007-03-22: Making Firefox Prettier under Linux   🗪
  54. 2007-03-26: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithms for Cloud Visualization   🗪
  55. 2007-04-05: Tag clouds are here to stay   🗪
  56. 2007-04-06: My favorite MacOS applications   🗪
  57. 2007-04-09: ACM Transactions on Database Systems going double blind   🗪
  58. 2007-04-09: Montreal Tech Bloggers Network   🗪
  59. 2007-04-11: WWW 2007 Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization Workshop   🗪
  60. 2007-04-12: Google Summer of Code – Collaborative Filtering   🗪
  61. 2007-04-16: Are we destroying research by evaluating it?   🗪
  62. 2007-04-26: SIAM Data Mining 2007   🗪
  63. 2007-04-27: Final Word on SIAM Data Mining 2007   🗪
  64. 2007-05-04: Odeo: Turning to Web into a Giant Radio   🗪
  65. 2007-05-09: Visualizing changes in LaTeX   🗪
  66. 2007-05-11: My favorite MacOS software so far   🗪
  67. 2007-05-16: Amazon.com to Launch DRM-Free MP3 Music   🗪
  68. 2007-05-16: Journal of Interesting Negative Results in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning   🗪
  69. 2007-05-16: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Software Available for Download   🗪
  70. 2007-05-17: My favorite Web 2.0 applications   🗪
  71. 2007-05-21: Bureaucracy is the ennemy of Science, or is it?   🗪
  72. 2007-05-22: Multivitamins are bad for you   🗪
  73. 2007-05-22: Really Good Web 2.0 Time Tracking Application   🗪
  74. 2007-05-23: Is P vs. NP a practical problem?   🗪
  75. 2007-05-24: Technorati: Only 45 People   🗪
  76. 2007-05-28: Blogosphere and Time Series   🗪
  77. 2007-05-28: Thermal Noise makes Quantum Cryptography obselete?   🗪
  78. 2007-05-28: University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) going out of business?   🗪
  79. 2007-05-29: Yield returns are not esoteric anymore   🗪
  80. 2007-05-30: My favorite SciFi authors   🗪
  81. 2007-05-31: The Google Similarity Distance   🗪
  82. 2007-05-31: The Next Web   🗪
  83. 2007-06-01: WWWrong   🗪
  84. 2007-06-04: Everything is Miscellaneous   🗪
  85. 2007-06-05: Angry Lemur   🗪
  86. 2007-06-07: Value Investing News is using the Slope One collaborative filtering algorithm   🗪
  87. 2007-06-08: My philosophical interests   🗪
  88. 2007-06-08: Unacomputer   🗪
  89. 2007-06-19: XXL library: an open source Java database library   🗪
  90. 2007-06-21: $450 for 1 terabyte   🗪
  91. 2007-06-21: One-million-dollars grant for the ERASME Data Warehouse   🗪
  92. 2007-06-21: Slope One in Erlang   🗪
  93. 2007-06-21: Stephen Downes in Asia   🗪
  94. 2007-06-22: More Funding for Universities Hurts the Economy   🗪
  95. 2007-06-26: What? Only 25 MB of storage per core?   🗪
  96. 2007-06-27: I have had it with Firefox under MacOS   🗪
  97. 2007-06-28: Self-Publishing made easy: Lulu.com   🗪
  98. 2007-07-06: My Fight Againt Comment SPAM: Spambots pass the Turing test!   🗪
  99. 2007-07-06: The Cafes » North and South   🗪
  100. 2007-07-06: What is wrong with the software product economics   🗪
  101. 2007-07-08: My wife and my sons (pictures)   🗪
  102. 2007-07-09: OLAP experts sought in Montreal   🗪
  103. 2007-07-13: On Overabundance and Innovation   🗪
  104. 2007-07-16: UML and Web 2.0: a missing link   🗪
  105. 2007-07-16: YouTube scalability   🗪
  106. 2007-07-21: Why won´t to-do applications use mind maps?   🗪
  107. 2007-07-22: Looking into buy a new PDA   🗪
  108. 2007-07-23: Trying out a new to-do list software   🗪
  109. 2007-07-25: Digitalizing my old VHS tapes   🗪
  110. 2007-07-25: Heh. Indeed.   🗪
  111. 2007-07-27: Scalable Web Development   🗪
  112. 2007-07-27: Web Development Bookmarklets   🗪
  113. 2007-07-30: 2007 International Symposium on Wikis (October 21-23, 2007)   🗪
  114. 2007-07-30: Eclipse Search Dialog box is killing me   🗪
  115. 2007-07-31: Kasparov explains Russia   🗪
  116. 2007-08-02: Anyone has a Nokia Tablet PC?   🗪
  117. 2007-08-02: Paper publications and climate change   🗪
  118. 2007-08-06: Babylon 5: The Lost Tales – Voices In The Dark   🗪
  119. 2007-08-06: On the upcoming collapse of peer review   🗪
  120. 2007-08-13: The Web is a distinct society   🗪
  121. 2007-08-15: Slope One in Scala   🗪
  122. 2007-08-16: Computing the Hamming distance between two strings in Java?   🗪
  123. 2007-08-17: PDFView is dead, vive Skim!   🗪
  124. 2007-08-19: Finally giving up on PDAs   🗪
  125. 2007-08-20: How to manage email (Inbox Zero)   🗪
  126. 2007-08-20: Is the cosine similarity transitive?   🗪
  127. 2007-08-22: Maybe you don´t   🗪
  128. 2007-08-24: Best Possible Way to GET/PUT an XML File?   🗪
  129. 2007-08-24: Order pocket notebooks in Canada   🗪
  130. 2007-08-27: Free ads on my blog   🗪
  131. 2007-08-27: The world´s major polluter: USA   🗪
  132. 2007-08-28: 0xFFFFUL   🗪
  133. 2007-08-28: Weighted Slope One in Haskell   🗪
  134. 2007-08-29: Super Flash Mario Bros   🗪
  135. 2007-08-29: Teaching radical novelties   🗪
  136. 2007-08-30: Where the progress is happening in hardware   🗪
  137. 2007-08-31: Get into pay sites for free as a Googlebot   🗪
  138. 2007-08-31: Map shortage in the USA?   🗪
  139. 2007-09-03: The Web warps space and time   🗪
  140. 2007-09-05: It may not matter all that much where you go to college   🗪
  141. 2007-09-06: Science and Technology Advice is Not Free   🗪
  142. 2007-09-10: Food for thought: Searching attachments in Gmail   🗪
  143. 2007-09-10: Machine Smarter Than Naked Human Being?   🗪
  144. 2007-09-12: How to make Smultron even better   🗪
  145. 2007-09-12: Promo video for Windows 386 (very funny)   🗪
  146. 2007-09-17: My Experience as a proud Wii user   🗪
  147. 2007-09-17: No, you do not have to settle on a poor language because you have bad programmers   🗪
  148. 2007-09-19: Google Presentations: What did I tell you?   🗪
  149. 2007-09-20: Canadian dollar reach parity with American dollar   🗪
  150. 2007-09-24: My wife before and after   🗪
  151. 2007-09-26: Why don´t people use university libraries?   🗪
  152. 2007-10-01: The medium is the message, in Computer Science?   🗪
  153. 2007-10-03: Tape as the future of storage: are Sun and Dell insulting our intelligence?   🗪
  154. 2007-10-04: Great video on online education   🗪
  155. 2007-10-04: Search, Google, and Life: Sergey Brin   🗪
  156. 2007-10-04: Software Is Hard: you bet!   🗪
  157. 2007-10-05: Assessing a researcher… in 2007   🗪
  158. 2007-10-09: Odd Networking Problem with MacOS   🗪
  159. 2007-10-10: Disambiguate words using wikipedia   🗪
  160. 2007-10-11: What happens when everyone owns a telescope   🗪
  161. 2007-10-12: Productivity measures are counterproductive?   🗪
  162. 2007-10-16: What happens after a technological singularity?   🗪
  163. 2007-10-17: Early impressions on Facebook   🗪
  164. 2007-10-19: Optical disks, soon to be obsolete?   🗪
  165. 2007-10-22: Famous tech drop-outs   🗪
  166. 2007-10-24: Play the strongest checkers program in the world   🗪
  167. 2007-10-27: Publish or perish? Let them perish!   🗪
  168. 2007-10-29: Cool new native HTML widgets   🗪
  169. 2007-10-31: Hidden Gems : seeking diamonds in your data (November 7th 2007)   🗪
  170. 2007-10-31: Your platform is your software   🗪
  171. 2007-11-01: Why forbid derivative work?   🗪
  172. 2007-11-05: Non-industrial workplaces   🗪
  173. 2007-11-06: Non-commercial licenses and university courseware   🗪
  174. 2007-11-07: Skype 2.0 beta for Linux: video at last   🗪
  175. 2007-11-12: How to make sure your paper will be rejected   🗪
  176. 2007-11-12: IBM is buying Cognos   🗪
  177. 2007-11-13: How to recognize important problems   🗪
  178. 2007-11-14: Why science will triumph only when we teach it properly   🗪
  179. 2007-11-15: Netflix $50,000 prize awarded to AT&T   🗪
  180. 2007-11-15: The important problems: first update   🗪
  181. 2007-11-16: UC Berkeley holding tribute for Jim Gray   🗪
  182. 2007-11-19: Directed research is useless   🗪
  183. 2007-11-19: Matlab code and efficient algorithms for BIG tensors   🗪
  184. 2007-11-19: My research process   🗪
  185. 2007-11-21: Having scientific meetings with brilliant people… in your kitchen?   🗪
  186. 2007-11-22: How to become smarter   🗪
  187. 2007-11-23: Do not write like we taught you to!   🗪
  188. 2007-11-25: Physical factors making you smarter: white noise, carbohydrates, music, alcohol, and coffee?   🗪
  189. 2007-11-27: When has a problem been solved?   🗪
  190. 2007-11-27: Why bother with Google? Go straight to wikipedia!   🗪
  191. 2007-11-28: Is PageRank just good marketing?   🗪
  192. 2007-11-29: Research productivity: what matters?   🗪
  193. 2007-11-29: Storytelling and research papers   🗪
  194. 2007-12-02: More CS Ph.D.s than ever, what about research jobs?   🗪
  195. 2007-12-03: Find a Readership or Perish   🗪
  196. 2007-12-03: Quintura: a cloud-based search engine   🗪
  197. 2007-12-03: Thinking intelligence is innate makes you stupid   🗪
  198. 2007-12-05: Formal definitions are less useful than you think   🗪
  199. 2007-12-07: For the Web hacker in you: Google Chart API   🗪
  200. 2007-12-10: Computers can do analogies   🗪
  201. 2007-12-10: Google Recommends Blogs: Another PageRank?   🗪
  202. 2007-12-11: Improving your intellectual productivity by accepting chaos   🗪
  203. 2007-12-12: A better way to browse DBLP: Faceted DBLP   🗪
  204. 2007-12-13: Netflix: an interesting Machine Learning game, but is it good science?   🗪
  205. 2007-12-14: Why having a readership matters   🗪
  206. 2007-12-17: Why tenure matters?   🗪
  207. 2007-12-18: How much are the ideas of your competition worth to you?   🗪
  208. 2007-12-19: 21 open problems in Artificial Intelligence   🗪
  209. 2007-12-19: How many Computer Science researchers are there?   🗪
  210. 2007-12-21: How to win the Netflix $1,000,000 prize?   🗪
  211. 2007-12-21: How University professors ought to be teaching…   🗪
  212. 2007-12-22: Collaborative Filtering: Why working on static data sets is not enough   🗪
  213. 2007-12-24: I will be a better writer in 2008… I promise!   🗪
  214. 2007-12-24: What to get with your Nintendo Wii?   🗪
  215. 2007-12-27: Coping with overabundance as a scientist   🗪
  216. 2007-12-28: Keeping track of your time… lazily   🗪
  217. 2007-12-31: Get smart with email   🗪