Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

How many Computer Science researchers are there?

5 thoughts on “How many Computer Science researchers are there?”

  1. You should also take into account papers from industrial research lab and industry in general. It would be very interesting to see a grouping of those 500K authors by affiliation-at-time-of-publication (or even current affiliation).

  2. I almost sure that there are hordes of non-PhD authors. For example, I’m about to hold an Msc and have co-authored an IEEE paper with two other non-PhD co-workers and our names magically appeared on DBLP.

  3. Andris says:

    There might also be a substantial number of authors from math/physics/econ/whatever other field who have published in a CS journal/conference at some point.

  4. On the other hand, they’re not cataloging CS researchers who publish in non-CS journals. OK, that probably only reduces the number of hits for some strange folks, not the number of authors.

  5. Holger Bast says:

    Just stumbled across this blog entry. Here is some statistics. As of 31Dec07, DBLP lists 588,150 different authors, 48,126 of which with 10 or more publications, 20,345 with 20 or more publications, and 1,178 with 100 or more publications.

    BTW, check out http://dblp.mpi-inf.mpg.de now linked from every DBLP author page, providing convenient prefix search, faceted search, etc. You probably have noticed it already. Feedback very welcome.