Daniel Lemire's blog

, 21 min read

Index for Year 2006

  1. 2006-01-02: Longtable LaTeX package breaks pages after header   🗪
  2. 2006-01-02: My most commented posts so far   🗪
  3. 2006-01-02: My wordpress statistics   🗪
  4. 2006-01-02: Stephen Downes comments on his current job/location   🗪
  5. 2006-01-03: Are debuggers obselete?   🗪
  6. 2006-01-03: Grad Course by Kaser and Lemire: Data Warehousing and OLAP   🗪
  7. 2006-01-03: Sim-antic Web   🗪
  8. 2006-01-04: ongoing · It´s Not Dangerous   🗪
  9. 2006-01-05: Looking for a RDF to SVG tool   🗪
  10. 2006-01-05: Python allows negative indexing on arrays!   🗪
  11. 2006-01-06: FOAF going nowhere?   🗪
  12. 2006-01-06: IJCAI-07 (June 23, 2006 / January 6-12 2007)   🗪
  13. 2006-01-06: Keep Mandriva/Mandrake up-to-date with Easy Urpmi   🗪
  14. 2006-01-09: Hasty benchmarking of various programming languages   🗪
  15. 2006-01-09: Death of Learning Objects   🗪
  16. 2006-01-09: Desktop Search using open source swish?   🗪
  17. 2006-01-10: Optimal Algorithms for Unimodal Regression   🗪
  18. 2006-01-10: State-of-the-art in automated translation   🗪
  19. 2006-01-12: Java Sound under Linux   🗪
  20. 2006-01-12: Update to XML Course   🗪
  21. 2006-01-13: Googlebot accounts for one fourth of my page hits!   🗪
  22. 2006-01-16: Best Blonde Joke Ever!   🗪
  23. 2006-01-17: Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers   🗪
  24. 2006-01-17: Java 4K Game Programming Contest   🗪
  25. 2006-01-17: JOLAP versus the Oracle Java API   🗪
  26. 2006-01-17: Meetings == bad   🗪
  27. 2006-01-17: Technorati allows time-based text mining   🗪
  28. 2006-01-18: Google was eating all my bandwidth!   🗪
  29. 2006-01-19: Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation Talk in Ottawa   🗪
  30. 2006-01-19: Saving Bandwidth with CSSTidy   🗪
  31. 2006-01-19: Sex.com sold for $14 million dollars   🗪
  32. 2006-01-22: kd-tree applet   🗪
  33. 2006-01-22: Why libxml2 takes forever to transform XHTML files   🗪
  34. 2006-01-26: Looking For Great Open Source Graph Library   🗪
  35. 2006-01-26: NRC Promoting Slope One   🗪
  36. 2006-01-30: After Oracle and Microsoft, IBM sets its database free   🗪
  37. 2006-01-30: How to make external links exit HTML frames?   🗪
  38. 2006-01-31: Do not open external links in new windows   🗪
  39. 2006-01-31: New Electronic Mathematics Journal For Students   🗪
  40. 2006-02-01: Control a NASA helicopter using AJAX   🗪
  41. 2006-02-02: Long File Support in GCC (C++)   🗪
  42. 2006-02-03: The word “computer” is not associated in any way with math.   🗪
  43. 2006-02-06: Most frequently asked question about XML   🗪
  44. 2006-02-17: When only 2.5% of your students are female   🗪
  45. 2006-02-21: Firefox Extension Development Tutorial   🗪
  46. 2006-02-22: Eclipse is decimating the IDE market   🗪
  47. 2006-02-23: Giving Efficient Distance Lectures on a Budget   🗪
  48. 2006-02-23: Web Service Stack Smelling like a Dead Corpse?   🗪
  49. 2006-02-27: An Anti-McDo Videogame   🗪
  50. 2006-02-28: Workshop on Service Oriented Techniques at ICEC06   🗪
  51. 2006-03-02: China soon to export degrees?   🗪
  52. 2006-03-07: Opening lots and lots of files under Linux   🗪
  53. 2006-03-07: Thoughts on Software Complexity   🗪
  54. 2006-03-14: AI requires huge volumes of data to exist: what about learning?   🗪
  55. 2006-03-14: We need better text forms on the web   🗪
  56. 2006-03-18: Computers live their lifes in sensory deprivation   🗪
  57. 2006-03-20: Mixing Web Services And Collaborative Filtering   🗪
  58. 2006-03-20: Must start a company to be a succesful Stanford professor?   🗪
  59. 2006-03-20: Sci-Fi Writer, Math Professor and Communist, All in One!   🗪
  60. 2006-03-21: Formatting advice everyone should know   🗪
  61. 2006-03-27: Carnegie-Mellon heavy on distance learning   🗪
  62. 2006-04-01: Is the software industry heating up?   🗪
  63. 2006-04-02: Canadians, set your clocks… on the Internet   🗪
  64. 2006-04-06: Academic blogging: why still bother?   🗪
  65. 2006-04-06: Bill Gates is a cheap bastard!   🗪
  66. 2006-04-06: Kunal Anand: The uncloneable web   🗪
  67. 2006-04-06: Science in an exponential world   🗪
  68. 2006-04-07: CSWWS 2006: Call for Participation   🗪
  69. 2006-04-10: Kunal Anand: Some XML exam questions   🗪
  70. 2006-04-10: Slashdot: Why Is Data Mining Still A Frontier?   🗪
  71. 2006-04-14: What are the computer langage people waiting for?   🗪
  72. 2006-04-17: ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Final Results   🗪
  73. 2006-04-17: Asian Universities are beginning to dominate   🗪
  74. 2006-04-18: The 20th century blueprint for research is now mythical   🗪
  75. 2006-04-18: The end of SOA web services   🗪
  76. 2006-04-18: Why blog? What about Reed´s law?   🗪
  77. 2006-04-21: The Combinatorial Object Server   🗪
  78. 2006-04-21: When to use the geometric mean?   🗪
  79. 2006-04-23: Problem Solving Heuristics   🗪
  80. 2006-04-24: On moving a sofa around a corner   🗪
  81. 2006-04-24: The Cost of Graduation   🗪
  82. 2006-04-25: UCR Time Series Classification/Clustering page   🗪
  83. 2006-04-26: China and India as academic powerhouses?   🗪
  84. 2006-04-26: FIFO Data Structure in Python   🗪
  85. 2006-04-28: Hierarchy of Collaborative Filtering Distribution   🗪
  86. 2006-04-28: Open University announces £5.6m project to make learning material free on the internet   🗪
  87. 2006-05-01: Baby blues: Louka is growing teeth   🗪
  88. 2006-05-01: Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google were all founded by people who dropped out of school   🗪
  89. 2006-05-01: Open-Source MOLAP with PHP and Linux   🗪
  90. 2006-05-02: Flamenco Search Interface Project   🗪
  91. 2006-05-02: See who blogged about this page   🗪
  92. 2006-05-02: The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)   🗪
  93. 2006-05-02: This map shows the current location of Tim Hibbard   🗪
  94. 2006-05-03: When XML abstraction kills your web services   🗪
  95. 2006-05-03: Wink: free tool to generate Flash or PDF from your screencasts   🗪
  96. 2006-05-04: Google Data APIs   🗪
  97. 2006-05-04: Stallman does it again   🗪
  98. 2006-05-09: Harold and RuleML   🗪
  99. 2006-05-10: Flattening lists in Python   🗪
  100. 2006-05-11: How do people balance out precision and recall?   🗪
  101. 2006-05-11: Java Serialization is not for long term storage   🗪
  102. 2006-05-12: Multidimensional OLAP Server for Linux as Open Source Software   🗪
  103. 2006-05-13: A Star Is Made – New York Times   🗪
  104. 2006-05-14: JabRef reference manager   🗪
  105. 2006-05-15: Harold calls for the death of learning objects   🗪
  106. 2006-05-16: There´s No Such Thing as a Learning Object   🗪
  107. 2006-05-17: Beyond the algorithmization of the sciences   🗪
  108. 2006-05-17: Google Web Toolkit – Build AJAX apps in the Java language   🗪
  109. 2006-05-22: Curse of Dimensionality and intuition   🗪
  110. 2006-05-24: Efficient Storage Methods for a Literary Data Warehouse   🗪
  111. 2006-05-25: Peter Norvig on solving every Sudoku puzzle   🗪
  112. 2006-05-26: STXXL: C++ Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets   🗪
  113. 2006-05-30: Steven got his M.Sc.   🗪
  114. 2006-06-01: Autocompletion in the Python console   🗪
  115. 2006-06-02: ACL 2006 accepted papers   🗪
  116. 2006-06-02: How to recover “lost” changes in CVS   🗪
  117. 2006-06-07: Canadian Semantic Web Working Symposium   🗪
  118. 2006-06-08: PyX – Python graphics package   🗪
  119. 2006-06-12: ACM Launches several new journals   🗪
  120. 2006-06-13: Computer-free math is obsolete   🗪
  121. 2006-06-15: Springer Online Mathematical Encyclopedia   🗪
  122. 2006-06-19: Does theory helps in algorithmic design?   🗪
  123. 2006-06-19: Slope One Collaborative Filtering in Drupal, coming along…   🗪
  124. 2006-06-20: Google funding the implementation of Slope One in Drupal   🗪
  125. 2006-06-20: My little family   🗪
  126. 2006-06-22: Second order probability   🗪
  127. 2006-06-23: Slashdot | String Theory a Disaster for Physics?   🗪
  128. 2006-06-26: Kamel Aouiche in Montreal!   🗪
  129. 2006-06-27: Leaving for Curves and Surfaces (Avignon)   🗪
  130. 2006-06-28: Text Mining ICML 2006 Tutorial Slides   🗪
  131. 2006-06-29: Geometric Wavelets   🗪
  132. 2006-07-01: Olivier Bousquet at Curves and Surfaces 2006: Learning on Manifolds   🗪
  133. 2006-07-03: Some interesting KDD 2006 papers   🗪
  134. 2006-07-04: Perfect Hashing   🗪
  135. 2006-07-10: How to fix pango fonts problems   🗪
  136. 2006-07-12: Migration from CVS to Subversion   🗪
  137. 2006-07-18: Some summer pictures   🗪
  138. 2006-07-18: Suresh says we don´t need publication counts   🗪
  139. 2006-07-21: Yahoo and MSN cannot compete?   🗪
  140. 2006-07-25: Theoretical Computer Science is Closed Minded?   🗪
  141. 2006-07-26: Babylon 5 is back   🗪
  142. 2006-08-03: Open Source Moodle picking up speed!   🗪
  143. 2006-08-03: So, you think you are a big shot?   🗪
  144. 2006-08-03: The Power of the Marginal   🗪
  145. 2006-08-07: Google releases massive n-gram data set   🗪
  146. 2006-08-07: Numbered references in Word   🗪
  147. 2006-08-08: Research on Computers and Games   🗪
  148. 2006-08-09: Big schools are no longer giving researchers an edge?   🗪
  149. 2006-08-09: TaskFreak! web-based todo list   🗪
  150. 2006-08-10: FeedOnFeeds-Redux   🗪
  151. 2006-08-11: Database-less: the new trend   🗪
  152. 2006-08-13: Statistical Data Mining Tutorials by Andrew Moore   🗪
  153. 2006-08-14: IRMA 2007 – Data Warehousing and Mining track (October 1, 2006 / May 19-23, 2007)   🗪
  154. 2006-08-14: The Scare Effect   🗪
  155. 2006-08-16: Get an RSS feed of your favorite researcher   🗪
  156. 2006-08-16: Technique without theory or theory from technique? An examination of practical, philosophical, and foundational issues in data mining   🗪
  157. 2006-08-17: Google launches online, shareable, spreadsheet tool!   🗪
  158. 2006-08-18: A Tectonic Shift in Global Higher Education   🗪
  159. 2006-08-18: Embedding fonts for IEEE   🗪
  160. 2006-08-21: Efficient FIFO/Queue data structure in Python   🗪
  161. 2006-08-22: Google Scholar launches a “related articles” feature   🗪
  162. 2006-08-23: Prestige is overrated?   🗪
  163. 2006-08-24: Highly Affordable Computing (HAC)   🗪
  164. 2006-08-25: Taste – Collaborative Filtering for Java   🗪
  165. 2006-08-29: Scam Spam, the death of email, and Machine Learning   🗪
  166. 2006-08-30: An upcoming revolution in science? The end of academic journals?   🗪
  167. 2006-09-05: YoungFemaleScientist: Men publish in better journals than women   🗪
  168. 2006-09-06: Web is leading a backlash against traditional authority figures   🗪
  169. 2006-09-08: VLDB 2007 (14 March 2007 / 25-28 September 2007)   🗪
  170. 2006-09-08: When recommendations go bad: Walmart   🗪
  171. 2006-09-11: New security measures making airports unsafe?   🗪
  172. 2006-09-14: Do not ask me to be a keynote speaker on ontologies and inference engines   🗪
  173. 2006-09-15: Operators and, or and xor written in English: is this standard C++?   🗪
  174. 2006-09-20: The Semantic Web landscape is changing   🗪
  175. 2006-09-29: DOLAP 2006 Preliminary Technical Program   🗪
  176. 2006-09-29: If you are using a computer or a cell phone right now, please continue   🗪
  177. 2006-09-29: Java´s Momentum Is Running Low   🗪
  178. 2006-10-06: Netflix Prize: First Entries   🗪
  179. 2006-10-13: Revert back changes in subversion   🗪
  180. 2006-10-13: Run Internet Explorer under Linux easily!   🗪
  181. 2006-10-16: Better email notifications in subversion   🗪
  182. 2006-10-23: NRC sets up publication RSS feeds for its researchers   🗪
  183. 2006-10-24: Free Web Conferencing Solutions   🗪
  184. 2006-10-26: What is infinite storage?   🗪
  185. 2006-10-30: Reinventing HTML or, yes we admit it, XHTML failed   🗪
  186. 2006-10-31: My ErdÅ‘s number is 4   🗪
  187. 2006-11-01: ACL Wiki for Computational Linguistics   🗪
  188. 2006-11-06: 90% accuracy for translation software?   🗪
  189. 2006-11-06: Looking for an all-recording plug-in for Firefox   🗪
  190. 2006-11-08: Querying the library of congress using Search/Retrieve via URL   🗪
  191. 2006-11-11: RSS hygiene and Google Reader   🗪
  192. 2006-11-14: Are Smart People Dumb?   🗪
  193. 2006-11-14: In vitro kids are smarter   🗪
  194. 2006-11-15: My first Mac   🗪
  195. 2006-11-19: A few days with MacOS X   🗪
  196. 2006-11-21: Do not think you have to go to college   🗪
  197. 2006-11-22: Why Fink is broken for anything but non-X applications   🗪
  198. 2006-11-23: XFig running on Mac OS X thanks to Fink   🗪
  199. 2006-11-24: On video-on-the-web a.k.a. youtube, is going to change teaching!   🗪
  200. 2006-11-24: Stock-Picking Computers   🗪
  201. 2006-11-29: Cool free H323 videoconference software for Macs: xMeeting   🗪
  202. 2006-11-29: Got XFig to run under Mac OS X in less than an hour   🗪
  203. 2006-11-30: Getting KDE running (and running well) under Mac OS X is easy   🗪
  204. 2006-11-30: Why do people think a noisy user interface is better   🗪
  205. 2006-12-03: Firefox and Adobe Reader causing problems?   🗪
  206. 2006-12-03: Search engines that should come by default with Firefox   🗪
  207. 2006-12-03: So, Stéphane Dion won the race   🗪
  208. 2006-12-05: Extracting 3D Models from Still Images   🗪
  209. 2006-12-05: The Future of Database Research   🗪
  210. 2006-12-05: Warren Buffet Says the Rich Do Not Pay Enough Taxes   🗪
  211. 2006-12-05: XML Schemas are harmful: is this news?   🗪
  212. 2006-12-06: Open Source Taste Engine Ready For Netflix   🗪
  213. 2006-12-07: Is the Tech Bubble Back?   🗪
  214. 2006-12-07: New Information Retrieval Course Soon (in French)   🗪
  215. 2006-12-11: Java 6.0 is out   🗪
  216. 2006-12-12: Collaborative Filtering Made Easy   🗪
  217. 2006-12-12: slidePresenter: Very Good (Free) Remote Slides Presentation Software   🗪
  218. 2006-12-14: My predictions for year 2007   🗪
  219. 2006-12-14: Roleplaying is Indicative of a Delusional Mind?   🗪
  220. 2006-12-18: We do not need to teach math and science   🗪
  221. 2006-12-20: Is this web page trying to sell me something?   🗪
  222. 2006-12-26: Yes, there is snow in Montreal   🗪
  223. 2006-12-28: Christmas parties are more fun with kids   🗪
  224. 2006-12-28: Should Academia care for standards?   🗪