Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

The 20th century blueprint for research is now mythical

Will sent me a link to this article in InformationWeek called Research Revolution (April 10th, 2006). It explains how the “web labs”, while still small, are changing the way we do research. Industry research would now be extremely fast paced and be based the vast amounts of data we have.

To be honest, after reading this article, I’m still searching for what the revolution might be. They seem to be hinting that previously, the research component was hidden away in the company and that it has now become more integrated. Well, duh!

Still, if anyone wishes to start such a web lab in Montreal, give me a call!

Now, in trying to gain an edge in the fast-paced Internet software market, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo are taking a wholly new approach to research. They’re building labs focused on the problems and opportunities that have emerged with sleeker Web sites, the explosion of online video and photos, widespread broadband connections, and the soaring numbers of hours people spend online. Inventions can be tested on thousands of users at little cost, and adjusting an algorithm today can mean big gains in the effectiveness of a Web service tomorrow. The 20th century blueprint for research is “essentially mythical now,” says Alan Eustace, Google’s senior VP of engineering and research. “The model of research has changed.”