Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Googlebot accounts for one fourth of my page hits!

I just had a look at the browser stats for the visits to my site. The results are strange. Googlebot seems to be taking up a huge share of the traffic. I think I have read an explanation somewhere, maybe it was on Tim Bray’s site. Nevertheless, these numbers are scary:

Browser count percentage
MSIE 7890 34.8
Googlebot 5631 24.8
Firefox 1956 8.6
undisclosed 1125 5.0
Yahoo 994 4.4
Bloglines 929 4.1
msn 860 3.8
Mozilla 758 3.3
Konqueror 409 1.8
Google 353 1.6
Safari 263 1.2

(The second Google is not Googlebot. The stats are for 24 hours. They exclude some parts of my web site.)

It seems that a large fraction of the visits to my sites are from search engines. What does this says about the current state of the web?