Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

New Electronic Mathematics Journal For Students

Franklin sent me the following announcement, pass it along:



Dear Colleague,

We would like to draw your attention to an exciting opportunity for your students to publish their research papers. The Atlantic Electronic Journal of Mathematics (the AEJM) is now accepting submissions.

We publish two issues per year, one in June and one late in December, with submission deadlines mid April and mid November, respectively.

The AJEM is a refereed online journal for articles in mathematics and related disciplines. The primary purposes are to give students (both graduate and undergraduate) a venue for publishing papers and to publish articles from established researchers at a level suitable for students. Each article is refereed by professional mathematicians to ensure a high publication standard.

While original research results are not required, high quality in exposition and content are required. The AEJM publishes new results, new perspectives on known results, historical aspects of mathematics, relationships between areas of mathematics (or other areas of study), or interesting applications of mathematical ideas or techniques.

The AEJM consists of serious mathematics at a student level, but slightly below the typical research journal. We see a gap in journals available at this level. If a student can get their work in an established research journal, then we obviously want them to do this. However, many times students produce work that is not suitable for research journals but is quality work demonstrating research ability and promise and this type of work should be recognized in a way that will aid the student’s in their careers.

So if you have (or know about) a summer research student, undergraduate honours student, beginning (or advanced) graduate student who has produced quality research and is looking for a place to publish, please encourage them to submit their work to the AEJM.

Thank you very much for your help in publicizing the AEJM to your students.

Franklin Mendivil
Holger Teismann