Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

PyX – Python graphics package

PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.

Here is the type of things you can do:

Naturally, the code is a bit hairy:

from math import pi, cos
from pyx import
from pyx.deco import barrow, earrow
from pyx.style import linewidth, linestyle
from pyx.graph import graphxy
from pyx.graph.axis import linear
from pyx.graph.axis.painter import regular
from pyx.graph.style import line
from pyx.graph.data import function
mypainter = regular(basepathattrs=[earrow.normal], titlepos=1)
def mycos(x): return -cos(x)+.10
g = graphxy(height=5, x2=None, y2=None,
x=linear(min=-2.5pi, max=3.3pi, parter=None,
painter=mypainter, title=r"$\delta\phi$"),
y=linear(min=-2.3, max=2, painter=None))
g.plot(function("y(x)=mycos(x)", context=locals()),
x1, y1 = g.pos(-pi+.1, mycos(-pi+.1))
x2, y2 = g.pos(-.1, mycos(-.1))
x3, y3 = g.pos(pi+.1, mycos(pi+.1))
g.stroke(path.line(x1-.5, y1, x1+.5, y1), [linestyle.dashed])
g.stroke(path.line(x1-.5, y3, x3+.5, y3), [linestyle.dashed])
g.stroke(path.line(x2-.5, y2, x3+.5, y2), [linestyle.dashed])
g.stroke(path.line(x1, y1, x1, y3), [barrow.normal, earrow.normal])
g.stroke(path.line(x3, y2, x3, y3), [barrow.normal, earrow.normal])
g.text(x1+.2, 0.5*(y1+y3), r"$2\pi\gamma k\Omega$", [text.vshift.middlezero])
g.text(x1-.6, y1-.1, r"$E_{\rm b}$", [text.halign.right])
g.text(x3+.15, y2+.20, r"$2J_k(\varepsilon/\Omega)+\pi\gamma k\Omega$")

(Source: 0xDE)