Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Open Source Moodle picking up speed!

4 thoughts on “Open Source Moodle picking up speed!”

  1. Suresh says:

    that’s cool. do you happen to know if there are also open source conference submission site software tools available ?

  2. > that’s cool. do you happen to know if there are also open source conference submission site software tools available ?

    There are plenty, including openconf:


  3. The “OpenConf” package by the Zakon Group is NOT OPEN SOURCE. It is proprietary software, distributed under an extremely restrictive license. Just because they use the word “open” in the name doesn’t make it so.

  4. Apparently CyberChair at http://borbala.com/cyberchair/ is a viable free (GPL) conference management system. There are two versions though, and the non-free one works better and has enjoyed post-y2k updates, but is non-free.

    The Continue system at http://continue.cs.brown.edu/ is supposed to be free “soon”.