Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Slashdot: Why Is Data Mining Still A Frontier?

2 thoughts on “Slashdot: Why Is Data Mining Still A Frontier?”

  1. Kunal says:

    I’ve always wanted to get into Data Mining, but I never learned where to start. Daniel – do you have any suggestions? Should I start with a book, read some reference manuals, subscribe to some blogs…?

  2. There are good books out there, but if you are only interested in some applications, it is easier to look for specific papers. Data Mining is a wide ranging field and studying it all is virtually impossible. For example, most agree that OLAP and data warehousing are a crucial part of Data Mining or at least closely related to it (which begs to question as to how you define “Data Mining”). Then, you have time series (wavelets, Fourier,…), machine learning and so on.