Daniel Lemire's blog

, 13 min read

Index for Year 2017

  1. 2017-01-03: Betting against techno-unemployment   🗪
  2. 2017-01-09: Predicting the future job market: the librarians   🗪
  3. 2017-01-16: Best programming language for high performance (January 2017)?   🗪
  4. 2017-01-20: How quickly can you remove spaces from a string?   🗪
  5. 2017-01-23: Resizing arrays can be slow in Swift   🗪
  6. 2017-01-27: Deep learning: the silver bullet?   🗪
  7. 2017-01-27: How expensive are the union and intersection of two unordered_set in C++?   🗪
  8. 2017-01-30: Maps and sets can have quadratic-time performance   🗪
  9. 2017-02-02: Montreal researchers “prove” that aging is the result of a genetic program   🗪
  10. 2017-02-06: Sorting sorted arrays in Swift   🗪
  11. 2017-02-14: How fast can you count lines?   🗪
  12. 2017-02-16: Thoughts on my new laptop (Dell XPS 13 with Windows 10)   🗪
  13. 2017-02-24: Tech jobs are already largely automated   🗪
  14. 2017-02-28: How many floating-point numbers are in the interval [0,1]?   🗪
  15. 2017-03-03: The technology of Logan (2017 Wolverine movie set in 2029)   🗪
  16. 2017-03-07: College and inequality   🗪
  17. 2017-03-10: Science and Technology links (March 10, 2017)   🗪
  18. 2017-03-13: Stable Priority Queues?   🗪
  19. 2017-03-17: Science and Technology links (March 17, 2017)   🗪
  20. 2017-03-20: Does software performance still matter?   🗪
  21. 2017-03-24: Science and Technology links (March 24, 2017)   🗪
  22. 2017-03-27: The technology of Mass Effect Andromeda   🗪
  23. 2017-03-28: Never reason from averages   🗪
  24. 2017-03-31: Compressed bitset libraries in C and C++   🗪
  25. 2017-03-31: Science and Technology links (March 30, 2017)   🗪
  26. 2017-04-03: My review of `Ghost in the Shell´ (2017)   🗪
  27. 2017-04-04: How much are elite universities worth?   🗪
  28. 2017-04-07: Science and Technology links (April 7th, 2017)   🗪
  29. 2017-04-08: Robots have not yet stolen our jobs   🗪
  30. 2017-04-10: Removing duplicates from lists quickly   🗪
  31. 2017-04-14: Science and Technology links (April 14th, 2017)   🗪
  32. 2017-04-17: “I have read all of your papers”   🗪
  33. 2017-04-22: Science and Technology links (April 21st, 2017)   🗪
  34. 2017-04-24: The real lesson of the human genome project   🗪
  35. 2017-04-25: Quickly pruning elements in SIMD vectors using the simdprune library   🗪
  36. 2017-04-28: Science and Technology links (April 28th, 2017)   🗪
  37. 2017-05-05: Science and Technology links (May 5th, 2017)   🗪
  38. 2017-05-09: Signed integer division by a power of two can be expensive!   🗪
  39. 2017-05-12: My review of Change Agent: A Novel (by Daniel Suarez)   🗪
  40. 2017-05-12: Science and Technology links (May 12th, 2017)   🗪
  41. 2017-05-15: Has the Internet killed real estate agents yet?   🗪
  42. 2017-05-17: Educational backgrounds of the CEOs of the top corporations in the US   🗪
  43. 2017-05-19: Science and Technology links (May 18th, 2017)   🗪
  44. 2017-05-23: Counting exactly the number of distinct elements: sorted arrays vs. hash sets?   🗪
  45. 2017-05-26: Science and Technology links (May 26th, 2017)   🗪
  46. 2017-05-29: Unsigned vs. signed integer arithmetic   🗪
  47. 2017-06-02: Science and Technology links (June 2nd, 2017)   🗪
  48. 2017-06-06: Quickly returning the top-k elements: computer science vs. the real world   🗪
  49. 2017-06-09: Science and Technology links (June 9th, 2017)   🗪
  50. 2017-06-14: QuickSelect versus binary heap for top-k queries   🗪
  51. 2017-06-16: Science and Technology links (June 16th, 2017)   🗪
  52. 2017-06-21: Top speed for top-k queries   🗪
  53. 2017-06-23: Science and Technology links (June 23rd, 2017)   🗪
  54. 2017-06-30: Science and Technology links (July 1st, 2017)   🗪
  55. 2017-06-30: Video game review… Nier: Automata   🗪
  56. 2017-07-03: Pruning spaces from strings quickly on ARM processors   🗪
  57. 2017-07-07: Are your strings immutable?   🗪
  58. 2017-07-07: Science and Technology links (July 7th, 2017)   🗪
  59. 2017-07-10: Pruning spaces faster on ARM processors with Vector Table Lookups   🗪
  60. 2017-07-14: Science and Technology links (July 14th, 2017)   🗪
  61. 2017-07-15: What is “modern” programming?   🗪
  62. 2017-07-21: Science and Technology links (July 21st, 2017)   🗪
  63. 2017-07-28: Science and Technology links (July 27th, 2017)   🗪
  64. 2017-08-05: Science and Technology links (August 4th, 2017)   🗪
  65. 2017-08-11: Optimizing polynomial hash functions (Java vs. Swift)   🗪
  66. 2017-08-11: Science and Technology links (August 11th, 2017)   🗪
  67. 2017-08-14: Bubbling up is lowering empathy at a civilization scale   🗪
  68. 2017-08-15: On Melissa O´Neill´s PCG random number generator   🗪
  69. 2017-08-18: Science and Technology links (August 18th, 2017)   🗪
  70. 2017-08-22: “Cracking” random number generators (xoroshiro128+)   🗪
  71. 2017-08-22: Testing non-cryptographic random number generators: my results   🗪
  72. 2017-08-25: Quantifying the performance benefits of Go 1.9 on bitsets   🗪
  73. 2017-08-25: Science and Technology links (August 25th, 2017)   🗪
  74. 2017-08-31: Parsing comma-separated integers in Java   🗪
  75. 2017-09-01: DeepL is as good as human translators?   🗪
  76. 2017-09-01: Science and Technology links (September 1st, 2017)   🗪
  77. 2017-09-05: Go does not inline functions when it should   🗪
  78. 2017-09-08: Science and Technology links (September 8th, 2017)   🗪
  79. 2017-09-08: The Xorshift128+ random number generator fails BigCrush   🗪
  80. 2017-09-14: Scholarship is conservative, tinkering is progressive   🗪
  81. 2017-09-15: How fast are malloc_size and malloc_usable_size in C?   🗪
  82. 2017-09-15: Science and Technology links (September 15th, 2017)   🗪
  83. 2017-09-15: The Xorshift1024* random number generator fails BigCrush   🗪
  84. 2017-09-18: Computing the inverse of odd integers   🗪
  85. 2017-09-18: Visiting all values in an array exactly once in “random order”   🗪
  86. 2017-09-22: Science and Technology links (September 22th, 2017)   🗪
  87. 2017-09-22: Swift as a low-level programming language?   🗪
  88. 2017-09-26: Benchmarking algorithms to visit all values in an array in random order   🗪
  89. 2017-09-26: Runtime constants: Go vs. C++   🗪
  90. 2017-09-26: Runtime constants: Swift   🗪
  91. 2017-09-27: Stream VByte: breaking new speed records for integer compression   🗪
  92. 2017-09-29: How smart is Swift with abstraction? A trivial experiment with protocols   🗪
  93. 2017-09-29: Science and Technology links (September 29th, 2017)   🗪
  94. 2017-09-30: Stream VByte: first independent assessment   🗪
  95. 2017-10-03: My iPad Pro experiment   🗪
  96. 2017-10-06: Science and Technology links (October 6th, 2017)   🗪
  97. 2017-10-09: On Blade Runner 2049   🗪
  98. 2017-10-11: Post-Blade-Runner trauma: From Deep Learning to SQL and back   🗪
  99. 2017-10-13: Bee-level intelligence   🗪
  100. 2017-10-13: Science and Technology links (October 13th, 2017)   🗪
  101. 2017-10-14: The Harvey-Weinstein scientific model   🗪
  102. 2017-10-17: Why virtual reality (VR) might matter more than you think….   🗪
  103. 2017-10-20: Science and Technology links (October 20th, 2017)   🗪
  104. 2017-10-27: Fast integer compression with Stream VByte on ARM Neon processors   🗪
  105. 2017-10-27: Science and Technology links (October 27th, 2017)   🗪
  106. 2017-10-31: A decade of using text-mining for citation function classification   🗪
  107. 2017-10-31: Synthesized hash functions in Swift 4.1 (and why Java programmers should be envious)   🗪
  108. 2017-11-01: The dual-shotgun theorem of software engineering   🗪
  109. 2017-11-03: Science and Technology links (November 3rd, 2017)   🗪
  110. 2017-11-07: Are universities an egalitarian force?   🗪
  111. 2017-11-10: How should you build a high-performance column store for the 2020s?   🗪
  112. 2017-11-10: Should computer scientists keep the Lena picture?   🗪
  113. 2017-11-11: Science and Technology links (November 11th, 2017)   🗪
  114. 2017-11-12: China is catching to the USA, while Japan is being left behind   🗪
  115. 2017-11-16: Fast exact integer divisions using floating-point operations   🗪
  116. 2017-11-16: Fast software is a discipline, not a purpose   🗪
  117. 2017-11-17: Fast exact integer divisions using floating-point operations (ARM edition)   🗪
  118. 2017-11-17: Science and Technology links (November 17th, 2017)   🗪
  119. 2017-11-21: Do relational databases evolve toward rigidity?   🗪
  120. 2017-11-22: You are your tools   🗪
  121. 2017-11-24: How often do superior alternatives fail to catch on?   🗪
  122. 2017-11-24: Science and Technology links (November 24th, 2017)   🗪
  123. 2017-11-28: Bit hacking versus memoization: a Stream VByte example   🗪
  124. 2017-12-01: Science and Technology links (December 1st, 2017)   🗪
  125. 2017-12-06: Simplistic programming is underrated   🗪
  126. 2017-12-08: Science and Technology links (December 8th, 2017)   🗪
  127. 2017-12-11: No, a supercomputer won´t make your code run faster   🗪
  128. 2017-12-12: If all your attributes are independent two-by-two… are all your attributes independent?   🗪
  129. 2017-12-16: Science and Technology links (December 15th, 2017)   🗪
  130. 2017-12-22: Science and Technology links (December 22nd, 2017)   🗪
  131. 2017-12-26: Personal reflections on 2017   🗪
  132. 2017-12-30: Science and Technology links (December 29th, 2017)   🗪