Daniel Lemire's blog

, 15 min read

My iPad Pro experiment

18 thoughts on “My iPad Pro experiment”

  1. Matt Leifer says:

    I don’t think you were necessarily wrong. The hybrid laptop/tablet market is growing and the Surface/SurfaceBook is the cool kids device these days. You are so behind the curve with all this old fashioned apple nonsense.

  2. Oren Tirosh says:

    When I tried to connect a keyboard to an iPad I found that editing commands such as ^W and ^B are working. My unix-trained fingers just did it by themselves and it just worked. It even took me a while to realize that I should be surprised.

    Not a solution for the text selection issue, though, unless you want to select ALL of it with ^A. It would be nice if shift+arrows or shift+ctrl+arrows worked.

  3. I think you’re right laptop/tablet product like Surface, Lenovo yoga or iPad pro are selling very well! We need powerful portable machine.

  4. Matthew says:

    > Selecting text on an iPad is infuriating. It works well when you want to select a word or two, but there seems to be no way to select a large chunk.

    Not sure if you already know this and I’m over simplifying your problem, but when you select one or two words you can then drag the handles on the edges of the selection to expand it. Here’s a demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oMDxktLsyk

    1. Not sure if you already know this and I’m over simplifying your problem, but when you select one or two words you can then drag the handles on the edges of the selection to expand it. Here’s a demonstration: (…)

      The video shows how to select a few words, a sentence, or a bit more than a paragraph. The emails and documents I get span several pages. There is no way for me to do “select everything but the last and first sentence out of this 5000-word email”. It takes forever.

      Furthermore, selecting text in a web page is a nightmare whenever there are hyperlinks because iOS assumes that you want to capture the hyperlink.

      And let us not even talk about the fact that iOS insist on selecting text with formatting, and that there is no way, apparently, to just select the text without the formatting.

      1. Matthew says:

        Thought so, just posted on the off chance it might help.

        If you’re trying to select that much text you also get the problem where as you move your selection to the bottom of the screen iOS scrolls the entire page past you in the blink of an eye.

        1. Yes. The user experience when selecting a lot of text is really poor. It defeats the point of having a full-blown word processor!

  5. TheDude says:

    Too many compromises. Besides the maddening limitations of not having a reasonable file manager, most complex tasks cannot be performned on an iPad. What happens if you can’t connect to your cloud service and need to update your presentation for a talk within the hour?

    A laptop remains by far the best choice for me. I need to run complex tasks and everything is my laptop. No need to connect to anything to get all of my work done. I love that aspect.

    1. Besides the maddening limitations of not having a reasonable file manager

      Arguably, iOS has a superior file manager. It covers Google Drive, iCloud Drive, Dropbox as well as the files hosted on your device.

      Please make sure that you are referring to an iPad Pro as it stands now with iOS 11, not older devices with older versions of the operating system.

      What happens if you can’t connect to your cloud service and need to update your presentation for a talk within the hour?

      About the same thing as would happen on a laptop.

      I need to run complex tasks and everything is my laptop. No need to connect to anything to get all of my work done.

      This does not match my workflow. I require Internet connectivity to work. I don’t think I am alone.

  6. AceOfThumbs says:

    I have felt your pain and have a near solution.

    I tried to work excursively with an iPad, a Nexus 9 tablet, an iPad Pro, even the latest 10.5 iPad Pro with iOS 11 is insufficient. Apple needs to allow a mouse. It works for laptops, it would work an iPad.

    Anyway, Apple is unlikely to challenge their MacBook in that way for a few more years.

    So the solution that is working for me, so much so that the PC is used perhaps twice a month, is a Chromebook.

    A new Samsung Chromebook Pro uses a fast Intel m3 processor and runs web apps that fail on an iPad. It works as an Android tablet in the few cases where you fill in the gaps of ChromeOS. In a pinch, you can even install Linux on it.

    It has a sweet S-pen that tucks into the body so you won’t lose it. The screen is bright and sharp, not quite as good as the 10.5 iPad Pro, but better than most. It’s $500 and replaced my PC and iPad 95% of the time.

    The other 5% is made up of video editing, which PC and iPad excel at and the random old school apps that require a PC. That 5% will drop to 0 soon.

    Anyway, if you haven’t looked at Chromebooks lately, check out what Samsung, ASUS and Acer have to offer in the last year. There are solid PC & iPad replacement candidates for $500.

    1. I do find appealing the idea of a ChomeBook having a tablet form factor.

  7. I have ordered the Samsung Chromebook Plus for my daily driver, replacing my now venerable Samsung Chromebook. The plus is a hybrid device, and (once again) I intend to install Crouton on it for the occasion when I want full blown Linux.

    1. I own a Chromebook, and I have promoted them a lot. It is especially well suited in schools, I think. It is a bit less convincing for professional use, which is why, I think, people install Linux on them.

  8. Paul says:

    Text Tool 2 will transform or strip out the formatting from from text copied from email, etc or imported from a URL. Plus it has keyboard navigation tools that might make things easier for your use case. Not optimum because you need to copy & paste text into it and then paste it back after, but it might help.

    1. Text Tool is not available in the Canadian app store.

  9. Abdul Latif says:

    Hi Daniel

    I ve been researching about doing 90% of my things on an iPad Pro 12.9.

    I am a IT Systems Administrator. My main concern is programming
    Java, node.js, powershell, ASP.Net etc some work related and some related to University studies.

    At work I have a Windows machine so this would be for my own learning, media consumption and some programming.

    I know you said you do programming on your iPad Pro. Can you go into the details please.

    Kind Regards

    Abdul Latif

    1. I most rely on ssh, but you can also program using cloud IDEs. I don’t want to promote a specific product, just google “cloud ide”.

  10. Greetings Daniel

    I ‘ve been looking into about completing 70% of my things on an iPad Pro.

    I am an IT Manager. My principle concern is modifying

    Java, node.js, PowerShell, ASP.Net and so forth some business related and some identified with University think about.

    At work, I have a Windows machine so this would be for my very own learning, media utilization, and some programming.

    I know you said you do programming on your iPad Pro. Would you be able to delve into the points of interest, please?

    Kind Regards,
    Mohammed Saqlain.