, 8 min read
Index for Year 2020
- 2020-01-08: How I teach database design 🗪
- 2020-01-11: Science and Technology links (January 11th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-01-14: How fast can you allocate a large block of memory in C++? 🗪
- 2020-01-17: Allocating large blocks of memory: bare-metal C++ speeds 🗪
- 2020-01-20: Filling large arrays with zeroes quickly in C++ 🗪
- 2020-01-25: Science and Technology links (January 25th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-01-30: Cost of a thread in C++ under Linux 🗪
- 2020-02-01: Science and Technology links (February 1st 2020) 🗪
- 2020-02-07: Research should not stop with the research paper 🗪
- 2020-02-08: Science and Technology links (February 8th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-02-21: My thoughts on how research funding is attributed in Canada to Computer Science 🗪
- 2020-02-22: Science and Technology links (February 22nd 2020) 🗪
- 2020-02-26: Fast divisionless computation of binomial coefficients 🗪
- 2020-02-29: Science and Technology links (February 29th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-03-03: Will calling “free” or “delete” in C/C++ release the memory to the system? 🗪
- 2020-03-07: Science and Technology links (March 7th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-03-10: Fast float parsing in practice 🗪
- 2020-03-14: Science and Technology links (March 14th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-03-15: Number of atoms in the universe versus floating-point values 🗪
- 2020-03-18: Avoiding cache line overlap by replacing one 256-bit store with two 128-bit stores 🗪
- 2020-03-28: Science and Technology links (March 28th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-03-31: We released simdjson 0.3: the fastest JSON parser in the world is even better! 🗪
- 2020-04-04: Science and Technology links (April 4th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-04-05: Multiplying backward for profit 🗪
- 2020-04-11: Science and Technology links (April 11th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-04-16: Rounding integers to even, efficiently 🗪
- 2020-04-25: Science and Technology links (April 25th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-04-26: Sampling efficiently from groups 🗪
- 2020-04-30: For case-insensitive string comparisons, avoid char-by-char functions 🗪
- 2020-05-02: Encoding binary in ASCII very fast 🗪
- 2020-05-02: Science and Technology links (May 2nd 2020) 🗪
- 2020-05-16: Science and Technology links (May 16th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-05-22: Programming inside a container 🗪
- 2020-05-28: Mapping an interval of integers to the whole 64-bit range, fairly? 🗪
- 2020-05-30: Science and Technology links (May 30th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-06-04: The Go compiler needs to be smarter 🗪
- 2020-06-05: How Innovation Works (book review) 🗪
- 2020-06-06: Science and Technology links (June 6th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-06-10: Reusing a thread in C++ for better performance 🗪
- 2020-06-19: Computational overhead due to Docker under macOS 🗪
- 2020-06-20: Science and Technology links (June 20th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-06-26: GNU GCC on x86 does not round floating-point divisions to the nearest value 🗪
- 2020-07-11: Science and Technology links (July 11th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-07-12: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts 🗪
- 2020-07-17: Downloading files faster by tweaking headers 🗪
- 2020-07-17: The cost of runtime dispatch 🗪
- 2020-07-21: Avoid character-by-character processing when performance matters 🗪
- 2020-07-25: Science and Technology links (July 25th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-08-01: Science and Technology links (August 1st 2020) 🗪
- 2020-08-08: Performance tip: constructing many non-trivial objects is slow 🗪
- 2020-08-09: Science and Technology links (August 9th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-08-29: Science and Technology links (August 29th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-09-03: Sentinels can be faster 🗪
- 2020-09-05: Science and Technology links (September 5th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-09-07: Good students find questions, not answers 🗪
- 2020-09-10: Parsing floats in C++: benchmarking strtod vs. from_chars 🗪
- 2020-09-19: Science and Technology links (September 19th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-09-23: How expensive is integer-overflow trapping in C++? 🗪
- 2020-10-03: Science and Technology links (October 3rd 2020) 🗪
- 2020-10-10: Why is 0.1 + 0.2 not equal to 0.3? 🗪
- 2020-10-17: Science and Technology links (October 17th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-10-20: Ridiculously fast unicode (UTF-8) validation 🗪
- 2020-10-28: What the heck is the value of “-n % n” in programming languages? 🗪
- 2020-10-31: Science and Technology links (October 31st 2020) 🗪
- 2020-11-01: How will the pandemic impact software programming jobs? 🗪
- 2020-11-08: Benchmarking theorem provers for programming tasks: yices vs. z3 🗪
- 2020-11-14: Science and Technology links (November 14th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-11-14: Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5: early impressions 🗪
- 2020-11-19: Double-blind peer review is a bad idea 🗪
- 2020-11-19: Programming is social 🗪
- 2020-11-22: The disagreeable scientist conjecture 🗪
- 2020-11-25: How fast does interpolation search converge? 🗪
- 2020-11-29: Science and Technology links (November 28th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-11-30: Java Buffer types versus native arrays: which is faster? 🗪
- 2020-12-01: Interview by Adam Gordon Bell 🗪
- 2020-12-05: Science and Technology (December 5th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-12-11: ARM MacBook vs Intel MacBook 🗪
- 2020-12-13: ARM MacBook vs Intel MacBook: a SIMD benchmark 🗪
- 2020-12-14: Converting floating-point numbers to integers while preserving order 🗪
- 2020-12-15: Virtual reality… millions but not tens of millions… yet 🗪
- 2020-12-16: Cognitive biases 🗪
- 2020-12-19: Science and Technology links (December 19th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-12-22: In 2011, I predicted that the iPhone would have 1TB of storage in 2020 🗪
- 2020-12-26: Science and Technology links (December 26th 2020) 🗪
- 2020-12-27: My Science and Technology review for 2020 🗪