Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Science and Technology links (November 14th 2020)

4 thoughts on “Science and Technology links (November 14th 2020)”

  1. bil bergin says:

    stumbled on this article following a link on yahoo:

    thought it might be of interest.

    1. Do you have a link to the scientific article?

  2. bil bergin says:

    No – not yet. I’ve sent a request for more info to the Science Editor / Author of the article, at the Telegraph. If/when I get a response, I’ll post here.

  3. Morgan says:

    In relation to point 7, this particular result does not surprise me personally, as if one looks into the history of intelligence testing, it generally emerged in such a way as to test the “European-ness” of one’s knowledge rather than any sort of generic intelligence and in a background of racial discrimination, and has had difficulty removing itself from that history (at least in part due to current unconscious biases).