Daniel Lemire's blog

Leaving for Curves and Surfaces (Avignon)

, 1 min read

In a few hours, I’m “planing” (opposite of “deplaning”) for Avignon, France where I’ll attend Curves and Surfaces 2006. The web site is currently down. I will be talking about monotone curves. For applications such as pattern recognition, curve reconstruction and so on, it is important…

Kamel Aouiche in Montreal!

, 1 min read

I met Kamel in Montreal today. I invited him over for a post-doc and he arrived 2 months ahead of time (talk about eagerness!) from Lyon (Eric laboratory). Kamel is a very promising, young (well, younger than me) researcher in OLAP, Data Warehousing and Data Mining. Among other things, Kamel will…

Slashdot | String Theory a Disaster for Physics?

, 2 min read

According to Slashdot, Mathematician Peter Woit of Columbia University calls String Theory ‘a disaster for physics.’ Reading the article, you learn that “Virtually every young mathematically inclined particle theorist must sign on to the string agenda to get an academic job.” I think this…

Second order probability

, 1 min read

Luciano Floridi poses the problem of second-order probabilities: (…) we actually lack a theory of second order probability, let alone a philosophical justification for it. By second order, he means “probabilities about probabilisties”. I beg to differ with Luciano. What about this…

Google funding the implementation of Slope One in Drupal

, 1 min read

I learned on Ted Serbinski that Scott Reynolds, who implements the Slope One Collaborative Filtering algorithm in Drupal, is being paid by Google. It is one of 14 projects that Google decided to fund. Way to go Google!

My little family

, 1 min read

Click on the picture to see it all. Don’t ask me what Louka ate, I have no idea. You can see Lohan is quite aware of the camera. My wife is enjoying a good book. Update: According to my wife, Louka was eating sand. Gross!

Does theory helps in algorithmic design?

, 1 min read

Olivier Bousquet questions Statistical Learning Theory. So, I think that the theoretical analysis is mainly a way to popularize an algorithm and to raise its visibility. The effect is then that more people try it out, and streamline it. So in the end, the algorithm may be adopted, but a…

Springer Online Mathematical Encyclopedia

, 1 min read

The Springer Online Mathematical Encyclopedia is really very interesting. The quality is amazing. The Online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics is the most up-to-date and comprehensive English-language graduate-level reference work in the field of mathematics today. This online edition comprises more…

Computer-free math is obsolete

, 1 min read

Just read Doron Zeilberger’s 72nd Opinion. The man is quite a bit pretentious (“mathematician is really another species, higher than homo sapiens”) though he doesn’t lose one bit of respect from me. Back in 2002, I had a discussion, in a café in the old town of Saint Malo, where I…

ACM Launches several new journals

, 1 min read

I didn’t see this pass by, but ACM has launched several new journals. At least some of these will be top tier. Here are some titles I like: Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data Transactions on the Web Transactions on Storage This can only be a good thing.

PyX – Python graphics package

, 2 min read

PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives. Here is the type of things you can…

Canadian Semantic Web Working Symposium

, 1 min read

The Canadian Semantic Web Working Symposium was held yesterday in Quebec City and it was a great success. Of particular interest was the keynote speaker, Michael Huhns who argued that web services ought to be thought of as agents. The best paper award was given out to Jie Zhang and Robin Cohen for…

ACL 2006 accepted papers

, 1 min read

The list of ACL 2006 accepted papers is up. Here are a few that caught my eye: You Can’t Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) — A Qualitative Evaluation of Association Measures for Collocation and Term Extraction Joachim Wermter and Udo Hahn Are These Documents Written from…