Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

My Science and Technology review for 2020

    1. The original PlayStation game console (1994) was revolution thanks in part to its CD drive that could read data at an astonishing 0.3 MB/s. In 2020, the PlayStation 5 came out with 5 GB/s of disk bandwidth, so over 15,000 more bandwidth than the original PlayStation.
    2. The Samsung S10+ phone can be purchased with 1 TB of storage. It is enough storage to record everything you hear in daily life for ten years or to store everything you see for several weeks. It is relatively easy to buy a 4 TB SSD for your PC, but difficult to go much higher.
    3. Drones are used to keep Europeans in check during the COVID 19 pandemics, they take people’s temperature and issue fines.
    4. In the state of New York, people can get married legally by videoconference.
    5. Virtually all kids and college students have taken online classes in 2020 in the developed world. It is now a widely held view (though not uncontested) that the future of colleges is online.
    6. UCLA researchers have achieved widespread rejuvenation in old mice through blood plasma dilution, a relatively simple process, they plan to conduct clinical trials in human beings “soon”. (Other reference.)