Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Where are the academic podcasts?

5 thoughts on “Where are the academic podcasts?”

  1. Carlos says:

    But where are the researchers producing good podcasts?

    I would imagine the researchers are doing research. If good podcasts take as much work as good lectures (and these take a whole lot of work), I’m not sure how much time there would be left for doing research.

  2. It’s never occurred to me to look for podcasts. I have listened to a few lectures online, usually on the recommendation of peers.

    It strikes me that creating a good podcast is a lot of work. It is no work to let someone record a lecture, and it seems significantly easier to edit text or even slide presentations than to edit audio.

    Is there any evidence that this work would be rewarded? I don’t mean financially. Rather, is there an audience hungering for podcasts in general, let alone academic podcasts?

  3. I suspect that many academics never liked lectures, just like you (and me). And not only because of rambling, but because of (recorded) spoken word is a fundamentally inferior form of delivery compared to written word. The main reason is that it is less interactive: you can’t control the pacing, and it is much harder to jump to where you want. But it is also harder to understand: you don’t have to deal with dialects and other idiosyncrasies in written text.

    Non-recorded spoken word, i.e. a conversation, is on the other hand a good complement to written word.

  4. Ed Bilodeau says:

    I’m hoping to relaunch a personal podcast this month, although I can’t say for sure how much content would be considered ‘academic’. I do plan on including excerpts from my lectures, but beyond that, no firm plans. I agree that more examples would be useful! 🙂

  5. René Wolf says:

    You can find good academic podcasts here, at http://backdoorbroadcasting.net
    with podcasts from Judith Butler, David Harvey, Andrew Bowie and many others.