, 1 min read

Cablesurf Channel Statistics

Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2016/12-31-cablesurf-channel-stats.

Cablesurf is a German internet-cable-provider. They deliver Technicolor modem and set-top boxes to the end customers.

My cable modem model is:

HW Revision       1.0            VENDOR           Technicolor
BOOT Revision     2.4.0          SW Revision      STDD.01.05
MODEL             TC7200.20      Software Version STDD.01.05
Serial Number     00997509604426		
Mta Serial Number 00997509604426

Software Build and Revision
Firmware Name         TC7200.20-DD.01.05-150924-F-1FF.bin
Firmware Build Time   11:45:59 Thu Sep 24 2015

Signal/Noise ratio for downstream is:

Channel	Lock     Modulation  Channel   Symbol   Freq  Power      SNR
        Status               ID        Rate
1       Locked   QAM256      145       6952000        4.1 dBmV   40.3 dB
2       Locked   QAM256      146       6952000        4.4 dBmV   40.4 dB
3       Locked   QAM256      147       6952000        4.8 dBmV   40.8 dB
4       Locked   QAM256      148       6952000        5.1 dBmV   40.8 dB
5       Locked   QAM256      149       6952000        5.2 dBmV   40.8 dB
6       Locked   QAM256      150       6952000        5.0 dBmV   40.8 dB
7       Locked   QAM256      151       6952000        4.7 dBmV   39.9 dB
8       Locked   QAM256      152       6952000        4.1 dBmV   40.3 dB

Signal/Noise ratio for upstream is:

Channel	Lock    Modulation   Channel   Symbol   Freq   Power
        Status               ID        Rate
1       Locked  QAM64        1         5120 Ksym/sec   45.5 dBmV
2       Locked  QAM64        2         5120 Ksym/sec   47.0 dBmV
3       Locked  QAM64        3         5120 Ksym/sec   47.0 dBmV
4       Locked  QAM64        4         5120 Ksym/sec   47.5 dBmV

I ordered 120MBit/s, but speed according T-Online speedtest is as follows: cablesurf-speed1

I attribute the drop from the bought speed to peering between Telekom and Cablesurf.

Checking my Unitymedia connection with T-Online speedtest gives: unitymediaspeed2

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