Daniel Lemire's blog

A Theory of Strongly Semantic Information

, 2 min read

Thanks to my colleague Jean Robillard, I found out that philosophers do Knowledge Management too! Following a request I made, Jean suggested I read an Outline of a Theory of Strongly Semantic Information by L. Floridi. He starts out by asking how much information is there in a statement? Well, in a…

Journal of Algorithms is no longer accepting submissions

, 1 min read

We just submited an article to the Journal of Algorithms and we were told that starting in 2003, the editors have stopped accepting papers. One alternative appears to be ACM Transactions on Algorithms. It seems like the entire board of the Journal of Algorithms had resigned some time ago. I had no…

Anonymous Academic Bloggers

, 1 min read

Ernie’s 3D Pancakes has a post on anonymous academic bloggers. To me, this is an interesting question. I use my own name everywhere on this blog. You can easily figure out where I work, what I teach and to whom, where I publish and so on. You can even find who my son is and so on. I think that…

23% Fewer Computer Science Majors This Year!

, 1 min read

Slashdot reports on a USA Today article saying that there fewer Computer Science Majors. They cite a 23% decline in enrollment in North America. Here’s one comment about the article: Most engineering schools are reporting declines in enrollment. This is hardly surprising since most engineering…

Cool RDF tools

, 1 min read

RDF is everywhere it seems: from Dublin Core to RSS, all to way to FOAF… However, it can be quite painful to parse. Cool tools are starting to emerge however, but google is not yet very good at finding them. Suppose you have a RDF/XML representation and you want the triples… go to W3C RDF…

How to be creative

, 1 min read

Through Downes’, I found this great post about how to be creative. HOWTOs are always interesting and sell magazines, but they are somewhat more interesting in blogosphere because someone you can get to know put his heart into it. Ignore everybody Creativity is its own reward Put the hours in If…

Great Hackers

, 1 min read

Paul Graham wrote an essay called ‘Great Hackers‘. I’m pretentious enough to call myself a hacker (though I do not claim to be great), so I had to jump on it! Here are some juicy quotes… Good hackers find it unbearable to use bad tools. They’ll simply refuse to work on projects with the…

A megabyte is a mebibyte, and a kilobyte is a kibibyte

, 1 min read

If you’ve been annoyed about the fact that a kilobyte has 1024 bytes and not 1000 bytes, well, you were right all along! What people call a kilobyte is really a kibibyte. (Thanks to Owen for pointing it out to me!) Examples and comparisons with SI prefixes | one kibibit | 1 Kibit = 210 bit =…

Michael Nielsen: Principles of Effective Research

, 1 min read

Michael just finished his essay: Principles of Effective Research. I think it is a must read for all Ph.D. students, young researchers, and even idiots like me who always get it wrong. Michael takes a very refreshing view to what research is all about. He is not cynical yet he is true to what…

Collaborative Filtering Java Learning Objects

, 1 min read

Through Downes’, I found an interesting paper on the application of collaborative filtering to e-Learning in ITDL (by Jinan A. W. Fiaidhi). It makes the point quite well that we must differentiate heterogeneous settings from sane laboratory conditions: Searching for LOs within heterogeneous…

Nielsen´s Extreme Thinking

, 1 min read

Blogging is a fascinating past-time. Who would have thought? I just read bits and pieces of an essay on Extreme Thinking. Here’s a fascinating quote: The key to keeping this independence of solitude is to develop a long-term vision so compelling and well-internalized, that it can override…

The Three Dijkstra Rules for Successful Scientific Research

, 1 min read

Through Didier and Nielsen, I found a list of Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research attributed to Dijkstra. “Raise your quality standards as high as you can live with, avoid wasting your time on routine problems, and always try to work as closely as possible at the boundary of your…