Daniel Lemire's blog

Firefox 1.0.7: better memory management?

, 1 min read

I love Firefox, but one thing that’s causing me grief is its memory leakage. On my gentoo box, Firefox 1.0.6 would quickly eat up to 55% of my available memory. I had to kill Firefox every two days to get my machine working. I’ve upgraded to 1.0.7 yesterday, and it runs smoothly using only 25%…

Amazon´s Developer Contest

, 1 min read

Amazon is launching a web services developer contest: Build an innovative and entrepreneurial application using Visual Studio 2005 with Amazon Web Services and you can win the grand prize: $5,000! The first 100 entries will receive an Amazon Web Services t-shirt. The deadline to submit your…

Google launches an online RSS aggregator

, 1 min read

Google did it, finally. They launched a beta of their RSS aggregator. It is still a bit immature, but I’m trying it out. I’m already a bit fan of gmail which has become my sole email client.

Editing forms in Firefox

, 1 min read

Firefox has cool free extensions. I now use text forms more often than text processors, so I need some features, the extensions provide them. Textareatools gives you search and replace. Spellbound gives you spell checking in forms, but it is a pain to install.

Battle for Wesnoth 1.0 released

, 1 min read

Battle for Wesnoth finally released version 1.0. This is, by far, one of the best war games and it is free (as in GPL). The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir, or use your dread…

If you can´t record using a microphone on the CMI8738 card under Linux…

, 1 min read

For the 3 people in the universe who have my exact same problem, that is, they can’t record audio using a microphone on the CMI8738 card under Linux… here’s the solution: To enable the microphone on the 0.9 series: run “alsactl store” edit /etc/asound.state. Set “Mic As Center/LFE”…

IrfanView – one of the most popular image viewers worldwide

, 1 min read

I installed IrfanView on my wife’s computer today (Windows 98 — yep!). My wife is in charge of editing our pictures, and she complained about the tools she had… so I decided to try something new. IrfanView is freeware and, I must say, pretty impressive. Mostly, it is a simple tool for picture…

2005 QlikView Think Outside The Cube Contest

, 1 min read

If you are into Business Intelligence, this might interest you: the 2005 QlikView Think Outside The Cube Contest is open. We’re inviting you to “Think Outside The Cube” and move beyond the limits of traditional OLAP-based BI.Your application/entry can be a QlikView application that…

Einstein vs. Physical Review

, 1 min read

Here’s what Einstein answered to Physical Review when they came back with comments from referees: Dear Sir, We (Mr. Rosen and I) had sent you our manuscript for publication and had not authorized you to show it to specialists before it is printed. I see no reason to address the – in any case…

KDD 2006 (March 5, 2006 / August 23-26 2006)

, 1 min read

KDD 2006 will be held in Philadelphia next year. During the past years, the ACM SIGKDD conference has established itself as the premier international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining with an attendance of 600-900 people. To continue with this tradition, the twelfth ACM SIGKDD…

Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions

, 3 min read

Through Geomblog, I got to this Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions by Roy F. Baumeister Dear Sir, Madame, or Other: Enclosed is our latest version of Ms # 85-02-22-RRRRR, that is, the re-re-re-revised revision of our…

NSF Reports No Geek Shortage

, 2 min read

Slashdot reports that there is no geek shortage. One of the comment is interesting: There is a glut of Ph.D’s in the US creating an over-competitive environment that’s drastically deflating the pay level. What really should be done, is restricting the Ph.D’s that schools push out to help…