Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

How fast can you validate UTF-8 strings in JavaScript?

When you recover textual content from the disk or from the network, you may expect it to be a Unicode string in UTF-8. It is the most common format. Unfortunately, not all sequences of bytes are valid UTF-8 and accepting invalid UTF-8 without validating it is a security risk.

How might you validate a UTF-8 string in a JavaScript runtime?

You might use the valid-8 module:

import valid8 from "valid-8";
if(!valid8(file_content)) { console.log("not UTF-8"); }

Another recommended approach is to use the fact that TextDecoder can throw an exception upon error:

new TextDecoder("utf8", { fatal: true }).decode(file_content)

Or you might use the isUtf8 function which is part of Node.js and Bun.

import { isUtf8 } from "node:buffer";
if(!isUtf8(file_content)) { console.log("not UTF-8"); }

How do they compare? Using Node.js 20 on a Linux server (Intel Ice Lake), I get the following speeds with three files representative of different languages. The Latin file is just ASCII. My benchmark is available.

  Arabic Chinese Latin
valid-8 0.14 GB/s 0.17 GB/s 0.50 GB/s
TextDecoder 0.18 GB/s 0.19 GB/s 7 GB/s
node:buffer 17 GB/s 17 GB/s 44 GB/s

The current isUtf8 function in Node.js was implemented by Yagiz Nizipli. It uses the simdutf library underneath. John Keiser should be credited for the UTF-8 validation algorithm.