Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Locating ‘identifiers’ quickly (ARM NEON edition)

2 thoughts on “Locating ‘identifiers’ quickly (ARM NEON edition)”

  1. Tat Lim says:

    The embedded URL has a typo “ttps://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08318” and should be changed to “https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08318”. Furthermore, the third paragraph from the end contains another typo “it should should possible”, which can be changed to “it should be possible”.

  2. Tat Lim says:

    After your “correction”, the typo is remaining in the third paragraph from the bottom, which reads “it should possible” although it can be changed to “it should be possible”. BTW, there is another typo which says “Suppose that you are an ARM-based machine” which should probably mean “Suppose that you have an ARM-based machine”. 😀