Daniel Lemire's blog

, 11 min read

The price of a MacBook Air worldwide

20 thoughts on “The price of a MacBook Air worldwide”

  1. Philippe Miron says:

    For some reason I see $1449 for the cheapest Macbook Air on the Canadian website ?

    1. Yes… you are correct. And that’s about US$1089.

  2. Thiago says:

    Wanna hear something crazy? It costs USD 2300 in Brazil, a country where minimum wage is less than USD250 per month. You could literally buy a ticket to Canada, buy the Air, and enjoy a nice weekend for the same price.

  3. Binita Dahal says:

    Yes and apple in USA they give free headphones whereas in Aus they said it just on Feb . I tried to order from USA custom duty charge was more than 500 dollars .

  4. Unknowm says:

    I always wondered about that. Thanks for the info.

  5. Raccoon says:

    Brazil: R$ 9,699.00 or USD 2,365.00.
    This is for the basic configuration, 1.6 GHz, 128 GB, 8 GB RAM.

  6. Ppp says:

    Five countries is not worldwide. Not even close. You’d check South American countries…

  7. Nilton Meira says:

    Unfortunately I guess that the most expensive MacBook Air is sold in Brazil. Here it costs R$9699.00 converted to dollar it is roughly $2500.

    That’s incredibly abusive, Apple has no respect for Brazil. If we apply the max tax rate Brazil charges imported products which is 60% it would cost around $1600, which is already a lot, but Apple manages to charge even more. Total disrespect.

    Cheers from Brazil!

  8. Andre says:

    Was hoping to see some “third world” countries in here. In Brazil, the amount of taxes that we have to deal with goes beyond the acceptable. For most, an Apple computer is impossible.

  9. Ajinkya. says:

    And in India you will get a brand new MacBook Air for $1600

  10. Ricardo Smania says:

    In Brazil the cheapest MacBook Air costs around US$ 2360.

  11. Check Brazilian prices at apple.com.br:
    R$ 9699 = US$ 2362

  12. Priyank Patel says:

    I think you seem to be missing a couple other countries there when you say worldwide…

  13. Igor says:

    It’s because you didn’t see in Brazil. It’s ridiculous
    R$ 9699 which is about US$ 2365 for the cheapest MacBook Air


  14. Matthew says:

    Don’t countries in the EU require a 2 year warranty on most electronics? People applaud this “protection from big corporations”, yet in reality you just eliminate the option of buying products with 1 year warranty. My guess is that most of the price difference is due to the inclusion of a second year of applecare, on top of VAT, etc.

    1. foobar says:

      I’m not entirely certain about required warranty, but even if there isn’t warranty, there’s rather strong general consumer protection, for instance, in Finland. Consumer warranty is pretty much irrelevant for higher end products as long as problems can be considered originating from the manufacturer or design. Also, I haven’t heard of “second year of Applecare” – as far as I remember, one year variant has been the default. It’s just that whole Applecare is mostly unnecessary with consumer protection.

      I had 2012 15″ MacBook Pro for which the display panel was replaced half a dozen times(!) on consumer protection, and for which the circuit board got replaced free of charge over three years after purchase just because there was no misuse involved, and it can be expected to last longer. In the case of 2016 model with keyboard getting funny after a year or so I have the assembly replaced already four times, getting a new battery along the way every time.

  15. degski says:

    The high price in France results from the fact that most (if not all) American companies act as if Euros and Dollars are one-to-one.

  16. Ferenc Csonka says:

    In Hungary it’s 429.990 HUF, which is 1287 EUR or 1410 USD. Beats even France.

  17. Naveen Chatla says:

    I got MacBook Air 16GB Ram and 128GB SSD at $1189. It’s a nice deal for me.

  18. Marko says:

    US$1458 in Russia