Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

A new release of simdjson: runtime dispatching, 64-bit ARM support and more

3 thoughts on “A new release of simdjson: runtime dispatching, 64-bit ARM support and more”

  1. degski says:

    I’ve gotten interested in this lately, and I opted for https://github.com/nlohmann/json. nlohmann acknowledges that it might not be the fastest parser, but he says it’s easy to use [and it is]. When I look at https://github.com/lemire/simdjson#navigating-the-parsed-document , I must concede that as compared to navigating through nested std::maps, this seems to be rather rudimentary. What I miss in the qualification of ‘it is the fastest parser’, is how fast or easy is it to use the data after the parsing. A [speed] comparison would obviously be welcome, so one can balance speed against ease of use.

    1. I think that even if you end up not using simdjson, simdjson can be beneficial to you because it tells you something about how fast the parsing can be (as an engineering constraint).

    2. I have answered your question by another blog post: