Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Science and Technology links (March 30th 2019)

6 thoughts on “Science and Technology links (March 30th 2019)”

  1. Luis says:

    Europe might not have Google or Samsung but it’s got BMW, Mercedes and Novartis.

    1. BWM was founded in 1916, Mercedes in 1926. Whether these companies are a sign of a focus on innovation is up to debate.

      Though Novartis is a Swiss holding company, they are part of the Boston biotech hub. That is, as far as technology goes, it is an American company.

      That is not to say that there is no innovation in Europe, but my impression is that Europe is happy to have banks, holdings, wineries…

  2. Dmitry Akimov says:

    Yeah, not only you have to be in shape if you want to stay sharp, but high-profile intellectual work is akin to sports and athleticism. High intelligence really should be associated with high physical fitness in the common mindset instead of being antithetical.

  3. Tomasz Jamroszczak says:

    where is Europe’s Google or Europe’s Samsung?

    With grain of salt and pepper:

    There used to be Nokia but it collapsed under American leadership.

    There is Bosch “defeat device”, which is at least Enron-like innovative.

    Yandex is not as big as Google so one would need to search for East India Company to find such an immense innovative power of monopoly.

  4. There used to be Nokia but it collapsed under American leadership.

    Nokia was clearly an innovative company in the early 1990s.

  5. degski says:

    Some companies: Airbus, Air Liquide, ASML, BP, Nokia, Philips, Sap, Schlumberger, Shell, Spotify, Vivendi.

    Then there is Formula One f.e. (as a Canadian must be familiar to you), tyre-changes in little over 2 Secs (instead of 2 Mins, like in NASCAR). Hives [social media, before the word was invented] was highly innovative.