Daniel Lemire's blog

, 5 min read

Science and Technology links (May 5th, 2018)

8 thoughts on “Science and Technology links (May 5th, 2018)”

  1. jd says:

    You state “This means that when the retirement age of 65 was enacted in the US and other countries, we expected people to have reached the very end of their life by then.”
    This is not true. What is important is conditional life expectancy upon reaching 65. For example, high infant mortality but a long lifespan conditional on reaching 5y would be consistent also.

    1. I provide the life expectancy at age 20. So infant mortality is not relevant.

      The point is that back in 1930, you expected young adults to die when they reach 65 years of age… irrespective of infant mortality.

  2. Jamie_NYC says:

    Daniel, thanks for posting these links.

    Related to NAD booster (78c), there is a possibility that boosting NAD in older organisms is like revving the engine in an old car – it gives you a power boost, but it not, in general, a good idea (this comment per Aubrey De Grey). It is encouraging, though, that 78c seems to inhibit the aging pathways, such as mTOR.

    1. There are good reasons to be skeptical of the NAD work, if only because the folks behind it misled us on a massive scale in the past. No need for car analogies.

  3. SolidEarthVR says:

    Thanks for your great articles Daniel!

    One problem with the Oculus Go is that it is only 3dof which means it doesn’t have positional tracking (only rotational tracking). Because of this it’s only useful for viewing 360 videos and very limited interactions rather than more compelling volumetric experiences.

    There are 2 other much more compelling standalone headsets which have 6dof tracking on the headsets:
    – Lenovo Mirage Solo (just came on the market May 5th)
    – Vive Focus (just became available to developers in the US)

    1. A good remark, but the important point with the Oculus Go is that it is $200.

  4. PabloRQ says:


  5. K says:


    Reading the 3,4 and 7 the points of this article reminded me of something. Drinking coffee or tea after 5:30 p.m reduces either the quality or quantity of sleep in some and both in some people. And affected sleep hastens aging. And the sugar or artificial sweeteners (glucose) that are used in coffee or tea could affect neuro genesis as the 2nd point of the article suggests.