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Educational backgrounds of the CEOs of the top corporations in the US

  • Apple is the most valuable company in the US. The CEO is Tim Cook who has a bachelor of science in industrial engineering from Auburn University. The chairman is Arthur D. Levinson who has a degree in molecular biology from the University of Washington.
  • Alphabet (Google’s parent company) is the second most valuable company. The CEO is Larry Page who has a bachelor of science in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. The CEO of Google itself is Sundar Pichai who has a degree in metallurgical engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. The chairman is Eric Schmidt who has a degree in electrical engineering from Princeton. Eric Schmidt wrote software that many of us rely upon to this day.- Microsoft’s CEO is Satya Nadella. He has a bachelor degree in electrical engineering from the Manipal Institute of Technology.
  • Amazon’s CEO is Jeff Bezos, he has bachelor of science degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton.
  • ExxonMobil’s CEO is Darren Woods who has bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University.
  • Johnson & Johnson’s CEO is Alex Gorsky who has a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
  • Facebook’s CEO is Mark Zuckerberg, a college drop-out who was studying computer science at Harvard.

Of all degrees granted in 2014-2015 in the US, about 7% were in engineering or computer science, about as much as were granted in psychology. By far the most popular field of study is business (20% of all degrees).