Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

How many reversible integer operations do you know?

Most operations on a computer are not reversible… meaning that once done, you can never go back. For example, if you divide integers by 2 to get a new integer, some information is lost (whether the original number was odd or even). With fixed-size arithmetic, multiplying by two is also irreversible because you lose the value of the most significant bit.

Let us consider fixed-size integers (say 32-bit integers). We want functions that take as input one fixed integer and output another fixed-size integer. How many reversible operations do we know?

  1. Trivially, you can add or subtract by a fixed quantity. To reverse the operation, just flip the sign or switch from add to subtract.
  2. You can compute the exclusive or (XOR) with a fixed quantity. This operation is its own inverse.
  3. You can multiply by an odd integer. You’d think that reversing such a multiplication could be accomplished by a simple integer division, but that is not the case. Still, it is reversible and the inverse can be computed efficiently. By extension, the carryless (or polynomial) multiplication supported by modern processors can also be reversible.
  4. You can rotate the bits right or left using the ror or rol instructions on an Intel processor or with a couple of shifts such as (x >>> (-b)) | ( x << b)) or (x << (-b)) | ( x >>> b)) in Java. To reverse, just rotate the other way. If you care about signed integers, there is an interesting variation that is also invertible: the "signed" rotate (defined as (x >> (-b)) | ( x << b)) in Java) which propagates the signed bit of two's complement encoding.
  5. You can XOR the rotations of a value as long as you have an odd number of them. Reynolds describes how to invert the result.1. You can compute the addition of a value with its shifts (e.g., x + ( x << a) ). This is somewhat equivalent to multiplication by an odd integer.1. You can compute the XOR of a value with its shifts (e.g., x ^ ( x >> a) or x ^ ( x << a) ). This is somewhat equivalent to a carryless (or polynomial) multiplication.1. You can reverse the bytes of an integer (bswap on Intel processors). This function is its own inverse. You can also reverse the order of the bits (rbit on ARM processors).1. (New!) Jukka Suomela points out that you can do bit interleaving (e.g., interleave the least significant 16 bits with most significant 16 bits) with instructions such as pdep on Intel processors. You can also compute the lexicographically-next-bit permutation.

You can then compose these operations, generating new reversible operations.

Related: Quite some time after I wrote this post, Reynolds came up with a super nice version that reviews many similar techniques.

Pedantic note: some of these operations are not reversible on some hardware and in some programming languages. For example, signed integer overflows are undefined in C and C++.