Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Email: how to be polite and efficient

2 thoughts on “Email: how to be polite and efficient”

  1. Eugene says:

    In today’s business world, email is used for
    very different workflows. In case of support issues, an immedite response is required.

    Sometimes I need to check that certain email was answered and end up opening JIRA ticket to track. long emails are fine as long as each person is adding value. At some point email starts to look as stackoverflow thread and you’d want someone to moderate answers.

    You were describig a generic email etiquitte which is fine but a thin facade.

    I think email as a protocol did not evolve to support what people are using it for.

  2. I found Automated response that some one is away is very handy (as long as it is sent only one time per sender 🙂 ).