Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

The powerful hacker culture

One thought on “The powerful hacker culture”

  1. Thierry Lhôte says:

    Joyful post but a bit optimistic.

    Some aspects a of the great hackers, for instance Larry Wall, culturally have never passed the bridge of wide understanding. Notably, some qualities like openness to all ideas.

    And today a Hacker is oftenly confused by the media with a Left Wing social activist. The admitted threshold of technical competency is no more a sign of a Hacker.

    I believe that the Hacker culture will just be an epiphany in our world (like when you had all this art epiphany and reference in France in the XIXth century). Some common sense good things have revived in the world of firms, but for society and the rest, our social and political system (liberal democracy) shows more and more porosity to ideological intolerance.
    Not in the restricted area of techonomy paradises, of course.