Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Narrative illusions

6 thoughts on “Narrative illusions”

  1. Thierry Lhôte says:

    “But, one day, our descendants might outgrow most of our narrative illusions.”

    THAT is a narrative illusion.

    1. If I tell a story about the future, I don’t think it qualifies as a narrative illusion in the sense that we know it is merely a story. We both know that I cannot see in the future.

      1. Thierry Lhôte says:

        I happen to disagreee slightly.

        It would be good argument if the the mind process was not the same :
        Even if you know that you cannot know the future, you merely act “as if”. Otherwise the story would have less point to be told.

        In other words, if two people were talking a Chess position on board and exchanging thoughts and feelings about a kind of move. At one point someone may tell the other : “well, it is not as if we are playing an actual game”. The other could easily reply, “yes, but are we not engaged into the same perspective as if it was a real game : a battle between White and Black pieces ? If it was not true, then what is just the point of all this exchange ?”

  2. Dorothy says:

    False narrative, “Barack Obama took power, rebooted the economy and gave the Americans hope again.”

  3. Matthieu says:

    This post reminds me of a good book: Black Swan. It deals with, among other things, how hard it is to predict the futur and how we fool ourselves using narrative fallacy about past events.

  4. John Onestrand says:

    The greatest narrative illusion is that “you” exist.
    The thousands of verbal and nonverbal references to this “you” from birth eventually creates the illusion of “you”. And henceforth “you” will struggle to maintain this illusion and suffer, because that struggle is suffering.

    The narrative illusion of the “self”, who is dominant today, could be called a cultural narrative illusion, much like the narrative illusion of “God” was stronger in the middle ages.