Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

What thirty years of technology looks like: the early high-school years

One thought on “What thirty years of technology looks like: the early high-school years”

  1. Chuck Athey says:

    I needed logs when the server dies and wanted to make sure I had the correct screen process in the case another screen was started with the same name. Here is the script I came up with.
    renice -n 10 $$
    while [[ $EXIT_STAT != 0 ]]; do
    DATE=`date +%Y%d%d_%H%M%S`
    #The following 2 lines are a single line that wraps in this post
    screen -L -Logfile run_$DATE.log -D -m -S minecraft java -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M -jar paper.jar -o true -nogui &
    wait $SPID
    #The following 2 lines are a single line that wraps in this post
    echo “Done with Screen $SPID, exiting with $EXIT_STAT” >>run_$DATE.log
    timeout 10