Daniel Lemire's blog

, 6 min read

Things you have probably not seen coming…

8 thoughts on “Things you have probably not seen coming…”

  1. These were all obvious even in the 70s. In the UK we had an internet-like service (Ceefax, Oracle and Prestel) available with the TV, and phone lookups and news were already available. As for TV – personally I could see that they had jumped the shark here in North America a long time ago. I haven’t paid for cable in 5 years, and if it was solely up to me – I wouldn’t have had it for the last 15.

  2. And by the way – TV is dead, long live TV. Content is still popular. The delivery method is what is dying. Why should I watch 20 minutes of shouty commercials with 10 minutes of programming – and pay for the priviledge?

    1. The delivery method is what is dying.


  3. Here you go .

  4. source for network tv median viewer in 60s? quick search: i only see CBS @ median 60

    1. My statement is a hyperlink, but you seem to have confirmed the statement on your own.

  5. Nice Marshal McLuan quote!

    Here is a future prognostication. Personal communicators (now known as phones) will be so integrated into networks with pervasive AI that they will anticipate us by telling us transit departures, show times and other appointments, hyperlocal advertisements (local food places at meal times), turn on/off our home appliances, services. Insurance companies and courts will use them against us to prove we were speeding. They will tell us when a friend is nearby. They will remind us of that acquaintance’s name – and even the subject of our last conversation.

    They will pick up clues from our own conversations and remind us about commitments we have made or people are asking us (as my e-mail already kind of does).

    Basically, they will act as a sort of all pervasive butler.

    1. Mobile phones as butlers is something that is coming really soon, I agree. Even so, most people won’t see it coming.