Daniel Lemire's blog

, 5 min read

Index for Year 2012

  1. 2012-01-03: Are you a gold prospector, or a construction worker?   🗪
  2. 2012-01-06: Do we need patents?   🗪
  3. 2012-01-10: Open science: why is it so hard?   🗪
  4. 2012-01-17: Use random hashing if you care about security?   🗪
  5. 2012-01-23: Should you boycott academic publishers?   🗪
  6. 2012-01-25: Open access journals in Computer Science   🗪
  7. 2012-01-26: How to revise research papers after receiving harsh reviews   🗪
  8. 2012-01-30: Two rules for teaching in the XXIst century   🗪
  9. 2012-02-08: Effective compression using frame-of-reference and delta coding   🗪
  10. 2012-02-17: Bitmaps are surprisingly efficient   🗪
  11. 2012-02-20: What happens when you get more Ph.D.s?   🗪
  12. 2012-03-03: I´m an introvert. And that´s ok.   🗪
  13. 2012-03-06: How fast is bit packing?   🗪
  14. 2012-03-20: From counting citations to measuring usage (help needed!)   🗪
  15. 2012-03-22: Do we need copyright?   🗪
  16. 2012-03-27: Publicly available large data sets for database research   🗪
  17. 2012-04-03: It is what you do, not what you own   🗪
  18. 2012-04-05: Bit packing is fast, but integer logarithm is slow   🗪
  19. 2012-04-13: How to manipulate the masses by language alone   🗪
  20. 2012-04-18: Let us abolish page limits in scientific publications   🗪
  21. 2012-04-20: Computer scientists need to learn about significant digits   🗪
  22. 2012-04-25: Punk money: how you can print your own currency… legally   🗪
  23. 2012-05-14: Summer reading recommendations   🗪
  24. 2012-05-22: Creating incentives for better science   🗪
  25. 2012-05-31: Data alignment for speed: myth or reality?   🗪
  26. 2012-06-18: On the quality of academic software   🗪
  27. 2012-06-20: Do not waste time with STL vectors   🗪
  28. 2012-06-26: Which is fastest: read, fread, ifstream or mmap?   🗪
  29. 2012-07-03: Bytes or octets?   🗪
  30. 2012-07-18: Why we make up jobs out of thin air   🗪
  31. 2012-07-23: Is C++ worth it?   🗪
  32. 2012-07-30: The Internet is a product of the post-industrial age   🗪
  33. 2012-08-03: A post-industrial point of view   🗪
  34. 2012-08-13: On feeding your CPU with data   🗪
  35. 2012-08-18: Does time fix all?   🗪
  36. 2012-08-24: To improve your intellectual productivity   🗪
  37. 2012-09-03: Organizations would not pass the Turing test   🗪
  38. 2012-09-03: Your programming language does not know about elementary mathematics   🗪
  39. 2012-09-10: Will tablets kill PCs?   🗪
  40. 2012-09-12: Fast integer compression: decoding billions of integers per second   🗪
  41. 2012-09-19: How to be happier while annoying your wife   🗪
  42. 2012-09-19: How well does peer review work?   🗪
  43. 2012-10-08: Will I get a job with this degree?   🗪
  44. 2012-10-15: You cannot scale creativity   🗪
  45. 2012-10-23: When is a bitmap faster than an integer list?   🗪
  46. 2012-10-29: Is reading memory faster than writing on a PC?   🗪
  47. 2012-11-02: Should you follow the experts?   🗪
  48. 2012-11-13: Fast sets of integers   🗪
  49. 2012-11-16: The learning pill   🗪
  50. 2012-11-21: What I do with my time   🗪
  51. 2012-11-26: Why I like the new C++   🗪
  52. 2012-12-10: A simple trick to get things done even when you are busy   🗪
  53. 2012-12-28: Why do students pay for the research professors do?   🗪