Daniel Lemire's blog

, 11 min read

My favorite LaTeX editor for MacOS: Texpad

16 thoughts on “My favorite LaTeX editor for MacOS: Texpad”

  1. @Denis Thanks, I fixed the link.

    @Jose Yes, I have tried TeXShop. It is fine but I prefer Texpad.

  2. Denis Parra says:

    Daniel, the link to your screenshot is broken.

    On my side, I commonly use windows, but to write Latex I installed Sun VirtualBox with Linux in order to use Kile. Works very well.

  3. Have you tried TexShop? It’s free (& open source) and it does all you mention above re texpad.


  4. Marcel says:

    TexShop is my choice as well. It’s free and in my opinion there is no crucial feature missing. All the tex heart is looking for 🙂

  5. rodrigob says:

    My self I am big fan of LyX.
    Wrote my full PhD thesis and all my papers using it.


  6. Christian says:

    Re: JCS: I also use TeXShop. how do you make it show something like the first column / first pane with document structure?

  7. Nicolas Payette says:

    FWIW, I use TeXlipse. You don’t get the syncing between your PDF and your source (which, I admit, must be quite nice) but you get everything else you mention PLUS integration into Eclipse, which more than makes up for any flaws you might find in it. This is especially useful for version control integration (Git, in my case). Of course, if you don’t already use Eclipse, it might not be worth it…

  8. Mike Stiber says:

    Thanks, Daniel, I will need to check this out. Right now, I’m using Aquamacs, command line for re-LaTeXing, and Preview.

  9. molecule-eye says:

    I recently purchased Texpad after being a longtime Kile user (on KDE). I recently moved to OS X, however, and have been using TeXShop until now. There are a few reason I like Texpad:

    1. Navigation pane (not on TeXShop)
    2. One window containing navigation pane, source, and output (not on TeXShop)
    3. Lion implemented spell check and fullscreen mode.

    But here are some things I don’t like:

    4. Synctex support is super flaky and doesn’t sync from output to source (e.g. pdf to code)
    5. No highlighting for contents within brackets (TeXShop supports this)
    6. Lousy attempt to move the output view to where the source cursor is on typsetting. It never gets it right.
    7. No option to customize the toolbar, e.g. for no text or text beside icons. With text below icons it’s wasting tons of space.
    8. Syntax highlighting could be better or customizable. Likewise for the background editor color (supported by TeXShop).

    Honestly, I don’t think I’d drop $14 on this if I had the chance again. I’m hoping, however, that the developers improve things. It is VERY promising indeed.

  10. Rainer says:

    Where do I find a description how to use Texpad, e.g. how to have all my tex-files which are in a directory in one outline? (I use includes). Or how do I make the connection from pdf-file to the location in the tex-file?

  11. @Rainer

    1) I think texpad automatically handles included files.

    2) Texpad generates its own PDF files from your document. You can do “File > Reveal in finder” to locate them.

  12. Mike Stiber says:

    And Texpad is now available for iOS! I just tried a journal paper a student and I are working on, with a variety of .sty files and lots of .pdf figure includes, that creates a 50MB PDF on my Mac. Texpad barfed on all of the PDFs, but produced a 55 page PDF nevertheless. I may need to break down and read the instructions. But I am happy!

  13. A long time LaTeX user says:

    One thing I dislike about Texpad is their faulty “auto-sense” algorithm and the developer insists on not providing manually setting the default engine. Any situation that is not known to the developer and their auto sense rules will most likely default in xelatex, and that happens VERY often. Even if the input file is made for LuaLaTeX, using style files specific to that engine, it auto senses to xelatex and requires manually stopping auto-sense and then specify the correct engine, each time a new file is opened. The same thing happens when the app sees an input text in a language that the developer didn’t consider. I suggested to the developer several times to create a manual default engine option, but they religiously insists on their auto sense algorithm and not allowing a user to specify a default engine (unless that is xelatex, because that’s what it defaults to).

    If you are a LuaLaTeX user, or writes in documents that includes languages other than English, your chance of getting frustrated with this app is high.

  14. Rose Rucker says:

    I’ll definitely check out Texpad for heavier editing. I’ve been using Archimedes to take notes in both Markdown and LaTeX and it’s pretty easy to use: http://archimedesapp.com

  15. xiayh says:

    I am a new user of Texpad. I find that the auto-typeset mode do not work on my computer. The operating system is Mac OS 10.13.2 and the version of Texpad is 1.7.45. Could you give some suggestion?

  16. Hossein says:

    Dear Daniel, Do you any know solution to beautify Latex src in texpad?