Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

It is not where you work, but who you work with

2 thoughts on “It is not where you work, but who you work with”

  1. gj says:

    In the 70’s, the equation was location == communication. If you wanted to interact efficiently with someone, you pretty much needed to be wherever they were. The combination of the internet, smart phones, laptops, tablets and other communication devices means that this equivalence isn’t anywhere near as significant as it once was. You can communicate whenever and wherever you might be, with whoever might be available to you. In the current day, it’s not where you are, but who you know (and can therefore communicate with) that’s significant.

  2. Chuck Jaeger says:

    It seems that who you know is influenced by where you are. Per twitter @orgnet aka Valdis Krebs “#SNA applied to office layout design — Spatial and Social Networks in Organizational Innovation — bit.ly/tZRPoC”. Link goes to U Michigan .pdf research paper. “Spatial layout apparently
    plays a strong supportive role in the formation and maintenance of
    social relations that ultimately are linked to innovation.”