Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Emerging knowledge is a private business

2 thoughts on “Emerging knowledge is a private business”

  1. JoukoSalonen says:

    Agree: Emerging knowledge is something you must work with by yourself. You and only you are responsible to bring it in use if it is of any worth. However, because of the nature of time and memories, even in the most emergent phase knowledge must be polyphonic including layers from other contributors, other times, other contexts. Like the Sea in Stanislav Lem’s Solaris. That is why I would still think that even the emergent knowledge is dialogic in the polyphonic sense that M. Bakhtin or Arnold Schoenberg gave to that word.

  2. Ayyappan says:

    What do you think about participation of org community? I think there will be an existence of Private and Public business all way to the end.