Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Improve your impact with abundance-based design

4 thoughts on “Improve your impact with abundance-based design”

  1. @Alain

    I agree, that is why I wrote: (…) you should have a feeling of urgency, not worry.

    Urgency is important. You should feel pulled to move forward. You should be eager to get going, to get results.

    You should not sit around waiting for your muse. Nobody gets anything important done without urgency.

    You should also not start overwhelming projects that will take you 30 years (because then you won’t be in abundance mode).

  2. alain_desilets says:

    I generally agree. The question “are we on-time and on-budget” is a good one to ask if you are building a house. But it is totally the wrong question in the context of a R&D project, and, to a lesser extent in software development. The right question to ask there is “are we building the right thing?”.

    That said, even in a R&D context, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be too complacent about the passing of time. When I start working on a project, there is immediately a clock that starts ticking in my head, because I know that if I don’t produce some results and impact within a reasonable timeframe, someone will (rightly so) start questionning why I am spending that much time on it.

  3. alain_desilets says:

    Yep! We’re in agreement.

  4. Denzil says:

    Daniel, I must say you have hit the nail on the head. I have been and will be (much to my chagrin) with scarcity based design and hence has low impact.

    I am not sure if there exists any such terminology(abundance based or scarcity based design) but the terminology is great!