Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Social Web or Tempo Web?

3 thoughts on “Social Web or Tempo Web?”

  1. Neesh says:

    I think it’s a bit unfair to call rock music “more elaborate” than techno music.

  2. It is the Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerated Returns. The exponential growth of technological evolutionary processes.

  3. Paul says:

    That’s an excellent point. And even the Tempo Web seems to understate what was there first. I remember stumbling across popular chat rooms that were just a streaming wall of text. It was dozens of conversations overlaid on each other, where you could maybe catch every fifth message with concentration. It was beyond ‘techno’, it was the flapping of hummingbird wings.

    There does seem to be a tendency in technology to continually rediscover the same things. Virtualization – you mean multiple people can connect to the same computer and do there own thing? What a groundbreaking new idea!

    Ironically, we may have also just gotten the name backwards. It’s the individualized web now: we each get our own curated tweet or Facebook post streams. You could always talk to anyone in the world, now you can choose to just talk to your 10 best friends all across the web.