Daniel Lemire's blog

, 10 min read

Innovating without permission

12 thoughts on “Innovating without permission”

  1. Jacob Schlather says:

    ” I am amazed that nobody has thought of creating a web application letting people program and distribute video games online.”

    It’s called kongregate (www.kongregate.com).

  2. @Jacob

    Thanks for the link to Kongrate. While I don’t know it well, it looks more like a YouTube for video games. The video games, as flash uploads, are the content contributed by the users. (There could be more to it than that, of course.) It is interesting, from an innovation point of view… But I can’t, say, reprogram a game as a user. What I looking for are sites where the platform itself is reshaped by te users, not just the content.

  3. Justin says:

    I think Little Big Planet had the idea of users creating wildly different levels of in the game world that could be shared and rated.

  4. @Emily

    Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I fixed them.

  5. @Rogers

    Thanks for the great comment.

    On a purely technical basis, NoSQL databases are not that interesting since they implement a *subset* of capabilities already in conventional SQL databases.

    You want rock solid? You want technical superiority? Buy SQL Server or Oracle and hire a master DBA.

    By analogy, Shirky and Paquet did not claim that groups formed on the Web were superiors to groups formed otherwise. Twitter and Facebook are probably not better than face-to-face meetings. But they are ridiculously cheaper.

    The NoSQL example makes no sense.

    Let me elaborate. The developer can add a field to a CouchDB or MongoDB database dynamically. It is what it is meant for. In a relational database, the equivalent involves an ALTER TABLE which is precisely the type of query which should be approved by the DBA.

  6. Emily Post says:

    There are two typos in the first paragraph. The first sentence has an extra “is” in it, and the last sentence uses the word “of” instead of “off”. How does the author expect blog readers to take him seriously if he won’t even proof-read his own first paragraph.

  7. J. Andrew Rogers says:

    The NoSQL example makes no sense. Whether or not a DBA is involved in a database modification is a policy decision that is orthogonal to the details of the database type.

    On a purely technical basis, NoSQL databases are not that interesting since they implement a *subset* of capabilities already in conventional SQL databases. They give up features to make it slightly easier for developers that don’t know anything about databases to implement a narrow use case. The downside is a huge loss of flexibility in case the use case changes or is extended.

  8. Mike Stiber says:

    OK, I am apparently in an ornery, disagreeable mood these days. As you imply in a comment, ease does not equal quality. These days, it is easy to comment on things that one has no expertise in: blog about climate change (or evolution) skepticism, the medical benefits of homeopathy, whatever. The idea that expertise (and, therefore, quality of one’s work) is something earned over long years of learning and effort is dying out in many people’s minds.

    So, is there no longer a widely perceived value in curation? That’s one essential task that group gatekeepers, editors, venture capital people, managers, etc. are supposed to do.

  9. jld says:

    @Mike Stiber

    So, is there no longer a widely perceived value in curation?

    Oh, Yes! There certainly is much value in curation, but in this new scheme of things the “authority” of the curators is up to yourself to choose, not enforced from above in a one-size-fits-all manner.
    This means that there will be a lot of junk around to please the hoi polloi but do you cast yourself among the hoi polloi?

  10. @Stiber

    The idea that expertise (and, therefore, quality of one’s work) is something earned over long years of learning and effort is dying out in many people’s minds.

    Anyone can post a Java applet on their web site and create a PayPal account. Anyone can create a blog. Anyone can post research papers to ArXiv. True. The barrier to entry is low.

    I don’t think it means that we have entered some kind of intellectual communism where all software, all blogs and all research papers (and their authors) are considered equal.

    It has always been the case that kids were able to outsmart older folks. This won’t change.

  11. > While I love web applications such as Google Mail, YouTube and Facebook, they won’t let their users redesign the product.

    Not only web apps, but all apps, no?

    Applications turn people into consumers of computers, depriving them of the power and joy of creativity. It’s like looking at art in a museum, but never picking up a brush. Contrast that to services, which are tools that allow people to use the computer as a medium to express themselves and enrich their lives. As mentioned above, there is no one-size-fits-all solution because “the user” is a myth; it’s “the X,000… unique users”.

    Doug Engelbart and Alan Kay are the heroes in this area. They have a wealth of papers and videos online that speak to the question: “what is a computer good for?”

  12. Mark Harwood says:

    “Open Source developers are probably no better than closed-source developers”

    I think the selection process makes this statement untrue. Typically the talent pool an open source project draws from is global while the talent pool of a closed source company is within the driving distance of their office.