Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Three of my all-time most popular blog posts

  • Emotions killing your intellectual productivity: We all have to deal with setbacks. And even when things go our way, we can still remain frustrated. I offer pointers on how to remain productive despite your emotional state.
  • Turn your weaknesses into strengths: We all have weaknesses. Maybe you are unemployed. Or maybe you failed at getting a research grant. Maybe you live in a remote or poor area. I think that, within reason, many of your weaknesses can actually play in your favor if you adapt your strategy.
  • How reliable is science?: I got a lot of heat for this blog post. Basically, I believe that the business of science is unreliable. And I am not alone. The Nobel laureate Harry Kroto wrote: “The peer-review system is the most ludicrous system ever devised. It is useless and does not make sense (…)”. I couldn’t agree more as my post The hard truth about research grants makes clear.